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Can you use force jump in combat?

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I forget if as a guardian you can use force jump while in combat or not. Or does it have to be used after the start of a fight? This make or break for Guardian/Watchman build as I want max dps out of sneak attacks then would like to force jump to a far away target.


PS is it possible to force run away as fast you can from your target then force jump back to him? Its been a while since I played a Guardian.

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Sure you can use FJ, the only time it works is IN combat. You need a clear path to the target, e.g if your behind someone, it probably won't work and sure you can move during combat to make a clear path.

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thanks my fault on the in combat thing what I meant was after you closes with someone for the first time.

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Remember it only works with regular attacks, no flurry, power attack or critical.



That I remember good sir thanks for the reminder though!

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