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Guest HaVoKeR

About filefront...

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Guest HaVoKeR

Does anyone besides me is starting to hate that website? If it wasn't only the bugs (about messing with the profile) and hardiness in finding mods (their search engine looks like a dummie childish version of google Beta)... but now they rejected my UBmod, 3 times already! And they didn't even said why... at first was lack of SS, but i corrected it. Im still trying to talk with the admins but nothing so far.


Anyway, you guys know another website that i can post it, or at least make some marketing of my work? =)

And lets trash filefront up! xD

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Anyway, you guys know another website that i can post it, or at least make some marketing of my work? =)

And lets trash filefront up! xD

Well, here of course :)! But you did that already of course. The Taris Upper City Emporium is pretty good for mod-marketing too, I guess.


Dunno, what happened to filefront ... we have folks like you who seem to get rejected with no reason and on the other hands we have half-done mods without any discription or review popping up there ...

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Guest HaVoKeR

Well, here of course :)! But you did that already of course. The Taris Upper City Emporium is pretty good for mod-marketing too, I guess.


Dunno, what happened to filefront ... we have folks like you who seem to get rejected with no reason and on the other hands we have half-done mods without any discription or review popping up there ...


Thx, nice forum indeed, its not as clean and pretty and dark like deadly stream... but still good.

Yep, filefront admins are doing drugs, or got tired of kotor and want to hijack it or maybe they had a MEMORY WIPE.


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I've always used filefront cause it was the only site that hosted mods. Now you guys are here, and have much more complete, useful releases. Half the files on kotor filefront were medieval weapons, "make the already too easy game even easier" mods, or bad skins.


Taris Emporium is good too, but it's not as mod friendly and many mods are outdated or dead projects.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Amen... you forgot to say - make the already easy game a tough one - just check my UBM.

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The reason why mods get uploaded with no review


quote from Jonathon7 PM conversation of Holowan Labs


Sorry for one of your older modifications not having a review, it is KotOR Files policy that all modifications should have screenshots and reviews for them. However one of the idiot overall Filefront Network admins, decides its a good idea to mass upload files when we are "behind" - meaning mods which break the game, or illegal, etc can get up on the site, it also means mods don't get a review. This was what happened last time... Sorry about that!


GB j7


Although I must say that the download and upload system on this stie is immensely superior.

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Guest HaVoKeR

The reason why mods get uploaded with no review


Although I must say that the download and upload system on this stie is immensely superior.



Yep, thats why i've choose to never post my main mod again, that website will never have the benefit of having it. I'm not even going to update the other one that they accepted, if they want my new stuff, will have to get it here only.

Deadly Stream ftw.

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Guest Canderis

Filefront has been having issues. Your mods were probably declined because they expired. The staff has been really busy lately.

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Guest HK-47

Statement: I think Filefront is okay. It's got some of the best mods there are. I'm not registered there, but still.

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Heh, they ask for screenshots for mods that can't really be described by any... which is strange. This is mainly why I did not sent back my K1 Remove restriction to... that and my using RedRob41's alien appearance makin' me unable to take a proper screenshot of the PC wearing a heavy armor while casting a "spell".

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