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Load order question(s).

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Thanks for this great works! :(


This will be my first time trying the mod and haven't played TSL since the early years. After hearing about Restoration efforts, holding off waiting for release. My mod folder has a couple of older mods I would like to know about how to install or if your RCM has possibly even rendered them unnecessary.


Since reading about USM compatibility, my main concern is about Holowan Plugin. Thinking Holowan should be installed first, so RCM can overwrite anything it wants, there by getting amap from Holowan and all of RCM, does this sound correct? I honestly don't remember what all Holowan does (actually can't find a list even in the official thread) but in the early days it seemed very useful, iirc.


Improved AI by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - While this mod mostly works, it cause some problems with one scene on Nar Shaddaa

Any chance you could elaborate on this, could I just not install something from Improved AI to prevent it breaking Nar Shaddaa?



Thanks for any tips or links. :)

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Guest HaVoKeR

Thanks for this great works! :(


This will be my first time trying the mod and haven't played TSL since the early years. After hearing about Restoration efforts, holding off waiting for release. My mod folder has a couple of older mods I would like to know about how to install or if your RCM has possibly even rendered them unnecessary.


Since reading about USM compatibility, my main concern is about Holowan Plugin. Thinking Holowan should be installed first, so RCM can overwrite anything it wants, there by getting amap from Holowan and all of RCM, does this sound correct? I honestly don't remember what all Holowan does (actually can't find a list even in the official thread) but in the early days it seemed very useful, iirc.



Any chance you could elaborate on this, could I just not install something from Improved AI to prevent it breaking Nar Shaddaa?



Thanks for any tips or links. :)



Don't think so, since its related to the main improved ai file, k_ai_master.ncs or something like that... what you could do instead is change the stance of baodur to stationary (instead of ranged, grenadier, agrressive and etc) before that part (the part where the duros threaten your party when you leave), i think this can solve the problem. And if not, this mod conflict is not a gamebreaker, you will be able to continue it without loosing any part of the history, the conflict is related to the battle only.

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Thanks for the info HaVoKeR. :(


Game Balance Mod by Achilles - Although it will be possible to make it working together with TLSRCM by removing the N-darthnihilu001.utc file and any handmaiden/atris related files this mod installs.

Don't see any handmaiden/atris files, though I am not sure as they don't seemed to be named in such a way. Here are the files after removing the nihilus file, see anything you want removed?










Thanks :)

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Guest HaVoKeR

Don't see any handmaiden/atris files, though I am not sure as they don't seemed to be named in such a way. Here are the files after removing the nihilus file, see anything you want removed?










The last time i tried to play, the bugs only stopped when i deleted all of these, except sion one... but i maybe wrong, it's been sometime. What you can do is save before that part and try, if anything odd happens, delete the files and reload the game (maybe restart it also).

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Thanks HaVoKeR :(


I will remove them, hopefully if anything he fixed in those files was important RCM has already done them as well. :)

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Guest HaVoKeR

Thanks HaVoKeR :)


I will remove them, hopefully if anything he fixed in those files was important RCM has already done them as well. :)



In fact that mod doesn't fix anything, it only changes the status of the npcs so they are tougher. But that conflicts with TSLRCM because they messed with those characters too (atris/nihilus). The nihilus.utc one you can keep, if you choose to delete the k_align_movie.ncs instead or something like that (this scripts make the visas/nihilus cutscene to be HQ).

... & If you want your enemies to be really tougher, you can try my mod anytime =p (but it will overwrite achille's mod).

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Maybe he has updated it HaVoKeR or I don't have the newest mod, those files listed are the only ones besides the Austobalance. There is no version number just dated 04/02/05. In addition to the tougher enemies, thought it raised the end level be giving more xp.


If there is a different/better mod I would try it, most of the mods I have are a bit older from the early days. This is just the first time I have played TSL in many years, I have been waiting for the Restoration efforts. :)



Anyone know if any of these mods would be a problem, they are some older ones mods in TSL folder. Checked the Compatibility thread first.



Ebon Hawk Smugglers Compartment 1.3

Khoonda Lost Room 1.3

Harbinger Quarters 1.2

Lab Station Implant Factory 1.0



Blue Interface



PC Wrist Launcher and No More G0-T0

(sort of guess no on this) Btw if anyone has used this, does it break the game,if you remove GO-TO, iirc GO-TO has end game scenes?


Dak Vesser

holo droid emitter band

Sorry, link to the actual file doesn't seem possible, maybe I can send what I have to Filefront.



Thanks for any tips. :)

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Under Mod Compatibility you list Shem's Ultimate Sounds Mod, yet he has Spells2DA and BaseItems2DA which try to overwrite yours. Should we just add the wav files?


The reason I ask, his Readme mentions if the 2DAs aren't added

you will corrupt your games if you don't do it right.




Addendum to above the Blue Interface and Invisible Recticles both work. Though you just need to stop Blue Interface from trying to overwrite your swlauncher.bmp and one other file. Also stopping Invisible Recticles from overwriting one file.

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Spells2DA and BaseItems2DA which try to overwrite yours.

We have a modified spells.2da and baseitems.2da?


That's news to me... I have no idea where you these 2 in your override are from, but it's not TSLRCM.

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