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Incomplete health bars

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Tried modding some enemies, which in general have been responding as intended. The assault droid on the sith base and the sith governor are showing incomplete health bars though, and i can't find the reason behind it. Any ideas? Other enemies so far appear with their health increased and full health bars accordingly. 

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Just tested it again. It is caused by another mod which increases enemy stats, what is weird is that most enemies are being modified normally with a health increase (and full healthbars) as well as higher stats but some of the more unique ones (assault droid on taris and the sith governor) are showing incomplete healthbars.  Any clues on why that might be?

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I wish i could, but i can't seem to find his/her information. Talchia is the name of the modder in question.

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I've noticed that in an unmodified game, special enemies on Star Map worlds that receive stat bonuses (depending on your character level) have incomplete health bars. After establishing how much Vitality they actually had, it became clear that Kill (1/6 maximum Vitality, rounded down, every 3 seconds for 6 seconds) was inflicting more damage than it should and always killing after two failed saves: it seems there's a discrepancy between current and maximum Vitality (enhanced current Vitality is maximum Vitality before any bonus, plus that bonus; I haven't tried to work out how enhanced maximum Vitality is being calculated).

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To expand on my previous post, the enemies listed below receive stat bonuses at character levels 12-14 and > 14, resulting in incomplete health bars (current vitality < maximum vitality?): if a mod uses the same method to increase stats, then that might account for it.


Stat bonuses listed below are non-cumulative: however, I don't know whether the level > 14 bonuses replace those for level 12-14, or smaller bonuses are added (so +10 replaces +6, or +6+4 = +10)


Level   Strength   Vitality
12-14         +6        +60
> 14         +10       +100


  • Dune Sea
    Elite Warriors (2) guarding Sand People Territory
    Sand People Warriors (12) attacking sandcrawler
  • Sand People Enclave
    Sand People Chieftain
    Sand People Warriors (4) guarding him
    The Storyteller
  • Eastern Dune Sea
    Elite Warriors (4)


  • Shyrack Caves
  • Tomb of Naga Sadow
    Terentateks (2)


Level   Dexterity   Vitality
12-14          +6        +60
> 14          +10       +100


  • Lower Shadowlands
    Defense Droids (2)


  • Tomb of Marka Ragnos
    Rogue Assassin Droid
    Assault Droids Mark II (2)
    War Droids Mark III (3)


Level   Strength   Dexterity   Vitality
12-14         +4          +4        +50
> 14          +6          +6       +100


  • Lower Shadowlands
    Mandalorians (5/8)
    Mandalorian Commander
  • Upper Shadowlands
    Wookiees (2)
  • Hall of the Chieftain
    Wookiee Guards (2) with Warblades


Level   Dexterity   Wisdom   Vitality   Force
12-14          +4       +4        +50     +50
> 14           +6       +6       +100    +100


  • Anchorhead
    Dark Jedi (3)


  • Great Walkway
    Dark Jedi (3)


  • Sith Base
    Dark Jedi (5)

Everyone who uses a lightsaber or the Force, with the sole exception of Mekel in the Tomb of Tulak Hord (he only receives the Vitality bonus).

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