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[KotOR] feat.2da issues?

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I was looking at the *_recom columns of the original file and, if I am not mistaken, it seems there are several issues. Can someone confirm me that the following are indeed bugs and should be corrected?




- there are two 13

- 2 and 15 are a duplication of granted feats

- 23 is granting Master Flurry rather than Master Two Weapons Fighting




- 1 is a duplication of granted feat




- 2 is a duplication of granted feat




- 10 is granting Master Power Blast rather than Master Power Attack




- 11 is granting Master Power Blast rather than Master Power Attack




- entries 4 and 5 are missing


Also, one question: what do the numbers (0, 1, 3 or 4) under *_list indicate?



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On 9/5/2016 at 12:10 PM, Salk said:


- there are two 13

- 2 and 15 are a duplication of granted feats

- 23 is granting Master Flurry rather than Master Two Weapons Fighting

The first 13 (Master Conditioning) is normally recommended and the second (Master Sniper Shot) is ignored: even if you select MC before 13 is recommended, MSS does not take its place, and the next recommended is normally 14 (Master Toughness). Since you master Rapid Shot and Power Blast at 11 and 12, and improve Conditioning and Toughness at 9 and 10 before mastering Toughness at 14, the intended order was likely as follows:

13 Master Sniper Shot

14 Master Conditioning

15 Master Toughness

If a feat has already been granted (or selected), then the next in line is simply recommended. For example, Carth is recommended Rapid Shot (1) at level 5 and Sniper Shot (3) at level 6, since he already has Power Blast (2): this also applies to recommended feats for Scouts and Scoundrels which have already been granted.

Soldiers aren't granted or recommended Flurry and Improved Flurry, so recommending Master Flurry must be a mistake. However, this isn't an issue since, even at maximum level 20, Carth never gets higher than 16, Canderous never gets higher than 18 and even your character never gets higher than 20.

On 9/5/2016 at 12:10 PM, Salk said:


- 10 is granting Master Power Blast rather than Master Power Attack


- 11 is granting Master Power Blast rather than Master Power Attack

Similarly, Jedi Guardians and Sentinels aren't granted or recommended Power Blast and Improved Power Blast, so recommending Master Power Blast must be a mistake. MPB might be recommended if PB and IPB have already been granted or selected, but I cannot confirm this: if they haven't, then once again the next in line is simply recommended.

On 9/5/2016 at 12:10 PM, Salk said:


- entries 4 and 5 are missing

HK-47's recommended feats are as follows:

1 Sniper Shot

2 Improved SS

3 Master SS

? Rapid Shot

I don't know where RS came from. After editing him to level 1, he was then recommended Improved Power Blast (7) since he already has PB (6), then Master PB (8).

There also appear to be issues with Expert Droids. According to feat.2da, their recommended feats are as follows:

1 Gear Head

2 Improved GH

3 Master GH

4 Caution

5 Improved Caution

6 Master Caution

7 Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol

However, this is the order in which they're actually recommended to T3-M4:

2 IGH (he already has GH (1) )

5 IC (he already has Caution (4) )


6 MC

7 WF: BP

Further, once all recommended feats have been selected (as early as level 12), if you auto level up then no remaining feats are selected.

Edit: The order of T3-M4's recommended feats changes because Master Gear Head (3) requires level 8, but the next two feats are selected at levels 5 and 6 so MGH is skipped until the third feat selected at level 9... obviously. :blushing:

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