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Download:Lightsaber Choices

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File Name: Lightsaber Choices

File Submitter: Deadly Stream

File Submitted: 07 Jan 2011

File Updated: 17 Jul 2011

File Category: Mods


When you first arrive at Dantooine, you start your training to be a Jedi, after a long dialog/cutscene of your player learning the ways of the force - Master Zhar sends you off to Master Dorak who will guide

you through choosing a lightsaber crystal.

You speak to Dorak and he tells you about the colours of a lightsaber, although you only get to choose, blue, green & yellow, what position within the order they're associated with and then you get to choose

your class and colour.

You go back to Zhar and then you make your lightsaber. Now here is where this little mod comes into effect, normally you'd go to the workbench, fiddle around with nothing and look like a total pleb while

doing it, by you I mean your PC not you personally - I'm sure you don't look like a pleb, anyway after that you then have a nice whatever colour you chose lightsaber.

What this mod does is, before you go over to the workbench, you'll have two questions to answer - the first is what kind of lightsaber you'd like and the choices are;


* Standard Lightsaber

* Double-Bladed Lightsaber

* Short lightsaber


The second question is which colour would you like, now it is important what you select here because you won't get the colour you told Dorak earlier you will get the colour you select now.

Anyway we now have more choices, you can select any default game colour you'd like instead of just blue, green or yellow. The choices are;


* Blue

* Green

* Yellow

* Red

* Purple


After selecting the type and colour of the lightsaber, your PC will go to the workbench and look like a pleb while fiddling with nothing, like normal.


If you already have a file called dan13_zhar.dlg in your override folder, or packaged into a .mod file, then you will have problems with this, if this is the case PM on Lucas Forums or mine (

with the name of the mod that file came from and I'll contact the author and see if I can make them compatible.


There shouldn't be any bugs or glitches with this but if you do find one please let me know.




Copy the 'override' folder into your main KOTOR directory. To uninstall delete the files 'dan13_zhar.dlg' & 'deadly_g1 - g15.ncs' from your override folder.


Click here to download this file

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Guest Zander

File Name: Lightsaber Choices

File Submitter: Doctor

File Submitted: 07 Jan 2011

File Updated: 07 Jan 2011

File Category: Mods





Copy the 'override' folder into your main KOTOR2 directory. To uninstall delete the files 'dan13_zhar.dlg' & 'deadly_g1 - g15.ncs' from your override folder.




Shouldn't this be the KOTOR directory, as the mod is obviously for KOTOR 1 ?

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