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[KotOR I] Two-Weapon Fighting/Double-Bladed Bug

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Hello all.


So I don't know how many people are aware of it, but there is a bug between Two-Weapon Fighting and all Double-Bladed weapons in KotOR I.


The Two-Weapon Fighting feat says it should affect all double-bladed weapons, but it doesn't, meaning that using a double-bladed weapon will not incur attack penalties like they should, even if a player has none of the Two-Weapon Fighting Feats selected (this can be checked with the combat log).


That shows that Blaster Rifle, a two-handed weapon, is only using the primary hand slot for its stats, whereas the Double-Bladed Saber uses both primary and off-hand slot, thus it being a two-handed weapon should not affect the fact that this perk doesn't work correctly with it (also, Two-Weapon Fighting later mentions affect double-bladed weapons in KotOR II, so this isn't an oversight by the devs).


I would just like a mod that fixes this small issue, or someone to show me how to do it. I know: "Why would you want to handicap yourself when you aren't facing penalties?". I just want to play the game the way it was meant to be.


Thanks for reading!


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Well, i was never sure about it this is a bug or not, but i already noticed it

 we are working on a game re-tweak mod with friends i'm almost sure we'll touch this. thanks for this post

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Well, i was never sure about it this is a bug or not, but i already noticed it

 we are working on a game re-tweak mod with friends i'm almost sure we'll touch this. thanks for this post

Yeah, its likely less a bug and more of an oversight that the mechanics weren't working properly. If you equip a double-bladed weapon, it shows attack penalties in the equipment screen but the combat log says otherwise.


Thanks for reading!

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probably easier to just change the description for the two weapon feat

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Yeah, its likely less a bug and more of an oversight that the mechanics weren't working properly. If you equip a double-bladed weapon, it shows attack penalties in the equipment screen but the combat log says otherwise.


Which version of KotOR are you playing, and on what system? I have seen this bug mentioned before elsewhere, but I've been playing v1.03 (unmodified) on Windows and when I check Messages - Feedback I see the expected Dual Wield Penalty in the Attack Breakdowns for both main and off hand when using any double weapon (Quarterstaff, Gaffi Stick, Wookie Warblade, Double-Bladed Sword, Vibro Double-Blade and Double-Bladed Lightsaber) with or without Two-Weapon Fighting feats for player, party members and enemies.


There's no direct mention in SWKotORv103.txt but it might have been fixed, perhaps inadvertently, in v1.02 as a result of the following:


- Removed the +2 bonus to the offhand attack when wielding a balanced weapon in the offhand or when wielding a double bladed weapon.

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