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Thrak Farelle

Download:KotOR Bonus Jedi Class Items

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File Name: KotOR Bonus Jedi Class Items

File Submitter: Thrak Farelle

File Submitted: 21 May 2016

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



These items were originally found in my skills rebalancing mod, an expansion of the original idea I had to give sentinels their own stealth belts when giving them stealth
as a class skill along the lines of K2 Watchman, as otherwise they wouldn't gain the stealth feats the Watchman did, plus there seems no way to give K1 characters force
camouflage, and making sentinels a viable stealth class, feats and all similar to K2, was a big part of rebalancing skills with the intention of balancing Sentinel with
the other 2 classes by doing so.


I'm uploading them separately for people who like new stuff in KotOR, but aren't fussed about rebalancing. There are 2 items for each class, the first and weaker version
given by Zhar on completion of Jedi training, the second and stronger version found on the Unknown World, in the lower level of the Temple. They are all class restricted, and
you will only get the 2 for your class in a single playthrough. Sentinels get the stealth belts, Consulars get armbands, and Guardians get power crystal boosting colour crystals,
similar to and based on HotG and MotF.


Please note, this installed on it's own means the Sentinel can still have Stealth as a cross-class skill, although the belts are still perfectly usable once
a single point is invested in stealth and will still make a Sentinel decent with stealth even as a cross-class skill, they were designed with Stealth being a class skill
in mind. To reflect this, as a purely optional.........well, option, I'm including the file that will make Sentinels have Stealth as a class skill in a separate folder,
that's all it will do, it contains no other changes from the rebalancing mod. Also, with the purpose they were designed for, they're intended to boost the sentinel by making
Stealth an effective option by granting it the bonus stealth feats from the K2 Watchman, whereas the Guardian and Consular items are purely stat boosts.



Click here to download this file

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