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Exporting lightsaber model

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Hi, I'm having problems getting a lightsaber I made into the game properly. I followed this tutorial. I attached some pictures below that show what is happening. Maybe this is a common error? 


I haven't textured anything yet, so that's why it is grey.



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Do you know where I could download it? All the links I've found for it are broken.

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Thank you man

 i second that, i was looking for this version as well. thank you Darth P.

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The 0.5 version worked, but now I'm having a different problem. I cannot for the life of me get the get the hilt and the blade to match up. The blade seems tied to a specific position on the hilt no matter where I move it.


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Oh ok, I totally forgot about reset x-forms. Thanks again, this was driving me crazy.

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Ugh, now I'm having problems getting the texture to display. I've uv mapped the hilt and the texture looks fine in 3ds max, but it won't display in the game. I'm just replacing the default lightsaber model, so I named the texture w_lghtsbr_001 and put it in the override folder. Here's a picture of what I export if it helps. Maybe something funky with the modifiers?



So I figured out I actually just used the wrong name for the texture, but now the lightsaber just turns black...


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