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Small request w/ Malak - Revan interaction.

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I was recently thinking of the scene towards the end of KotOR where Revan has just finished his/her altercation with Bastila. He goes through to the next door where all the war-droid producing machines are.

Revan walks through and until he gets to the next door, where once opened Malak is standing while choking two red-shirt Jedi Knights. He says some gibberish to Revan and then Revan just stands there and allows Malak to force lightning one Knight and throw his Lightsaber at the other.... all while Revan is what... 10 feet away?

I was thinking this scene should happen when Revan opens the first door. You will see Malak at the other end of the corridor with the two Jedi Knights choking. You walk through first door and then a cutscene/dialogue scene plays. The door closes and Malak goes on with this dialogue as usual and then kills the two Knights in the same fashion. Revan is much farther away now and obviously not in a position to save the two Knights. You could even show Revan beginning to move forward as Malak kills the Knights with his saber ignited. Wouldn't really matter if Revan is lightside or darkside because he still wants to battle Malak.

The last thing would be for Malak to wave his hand in order to activate the machines, it goes though the scene where all six (I think its six machines) activate and then attack Revan while Malak nonchalantly leaves.

While we're discussing Malak and end game... I remember posting on LucasForums a while ago a slight difference to how Malak uses all the incubated Jedi Knights.

Rather than using one at a time, Malak would absorb ALL of them at once giving himself a huge buff making the fight much more challenging.

Revan walks up to Malak, same old dialogue takes place... fight ensues. Revan wins relatively quickly because well you're Mother****ing Revan. Dialogue ensues again and then Malak uses Force Drain/Death Field even a special variant of those two on all the incubated Knights if you wanna get fancy. Sorry for the choice of words but he essentially becomes supercharged. More health, more powerful force attacks, so on so forth. But obviously not to the point of impossible. Revan would still come on top because he/she is Mother****ing Revan.

I've always felt the fight with Malak was too easy even with mods and even choosing to edit Malak's UTC myself. However these two requests are far beyond my peasantry skills of UTI/UTC/UTetc and 2da editing. I think this sort of reinforces that Malak is a ultimately a coward. He can't and never would be able to defeat Revan "fairly" in a one on one confrontation. Attacking Revan's flag ship... Running from him after the first part of the Leviathan fight.... Using the war droids.... and then of course the incubated Jedi Knights. I remember playing the game the first time and thinking that Bandon was a more worthwhile foe.

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