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Newb needs some assistance TSL

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So been doing some searching trying to figure out some stuff and I think I am even more lost than I was before. Partially because tutorials don't seem to apply and partially because too many screenshots are missing. Figured it would be easier to just ask and see if someone would give me the 'quick' version. What I want to do is pull just a few armor/weapons out of a couple of packs and use just those instead of the whole overhaul they come with. For example the Jango and Boba armor/weapons out of Movie Mandalorians, couple of hilts out of USM/Dupesaber (whichever would be easiest), just things like that. At this point there are so many file types and at least when it comes to sabers so many other things they touch I am kind of lost. I don't want/need anything spawning with NPCs, or in a box, I can cheat them in the with console or KSE, I just want the ability to get the item and upgrade/give it to party members as needed without the game crashing or skins wigging out. 


Also, some items really have stats that are rather op, or just don't fit the character I want to give them to. What tool should I be using to make those changes? The tutorial from Lucasforums is for Kotor tools, but I was under the impression that didn't work for TSL. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. 



Edit: Also, does anyone have a link to this mod? 

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Blasters should typically just require the model (MDL and MDX files), textures (TGA/DDS and TXI files) and item file (UTI). You can add them to your inventory via console command or KSE.


You'll likely run into trouble with saber mods that use custom crystals, as they will need a 2DA edit. Basic hilt overrides will be ok though. In that case they will be the same as blaster mods.


You'll need to edit the UTI of any item you want to change the stats of. KOTOR Tool works for both games and is the easiest way to handle UTI edits.

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Blasters should typically just require the model (MDL and MDX files), textures (TGA/DDS and TXI files) and item file (UTI). You can add them to your inventory via console command or KSE.


You'll likely run into trouble with saber mods that use custom crystals, as they will need a 2DA edit. Basic hilt overrides will be ok though. In that case they will be the same as blaster mods.


You'll need to edit the UTI of any item you want to change the stats of. KOTOR Tool works for both games and is the easiest way to handle UTI edits.


Thank you for the clarification on what the files even are. I do have some experience with modding other games, Mostly Bethesda titles, but have touched on many others and the sheer number of files for an item, and what is what, was throwing me for a loop. 


For Kotor I used seperate mods to replace hilt and blade for lightsabers. Is there a way to make hilts just use the normal blades? Or is it easier to make changes to the .2da file? Is it something set in the .UTI? Is it tied to the model? 


Also, once again, thanks for the help! 

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For sabers, there is a 2DA file - upcrystals.2da - that controls which crystal/blade colour gets assigned which hilt model. The most basic saber mods just replace the hilt models, so all blue saber blades will be X hilt, all green saber blades will be Y hilt, etc. With an edit of the 2DA, you can add a custom crystal with its own unique hilt model. These can remain independent of the default sabers. Any newer saber mod that uses TSLPatcher will typically be of this variety.


Seeing as sabers are typically the starting point for many modders, there are a number of tutorials around that detail how to create custom sabers. Try doing some Google searches, particularly for pages from Here are a few things to get you started:

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