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I suppose the purpose for this topic would be to get to know each other outside of gaming in general.



Starting things out is always rough, but I'm currently living in Kentucky.........yes......Kentucky. I was born and raised in the sticks of East Bernstadt. I graduated high school and a week later questioned why I had went to U.S.M.C.R.D (Marine Corps Recruit Depot.) Four seemingly unending years later, I'm back in East Bernstadt enjoying my life. I've always been partial to games and the people that play them.



Other than that I wouldn't really know what else to talk about, I guess that's why the intro folder was made : )



If you have questions just ask.

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I've always been partial to games and the people that play them.


I think games give us a chance to escape from real life for a while, especially RPG's where you can give yourself a completely different character such as being bad, or in my case being bad for a while and then feeling awful about it later. Can't tell you the amount of gold I've spent in the first Fable at the temple of light or whatever it was called.


Welcome to Deadly Stream.

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hi I am Chris


and um...alchohal is bad m'key ?


nah I'm currently a poor collage student trying to earn his certificate in personal training and physical therapy,though currently I have to bget done with some prerequisites before I can even start, three years in collage and I am actually doin some now with my education.


p.s I am not mexican !!!

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Guest darthkrull

My real name is Gary and I'm from Arkansas. Yes a little more southern than Kentucky. I love gaming cause in real life I work in Law Enforcement and it is hectic everyday. I served 4 yrs in the USAF (Air Force) and I returned home to Northeast Arkansas. My favorite games are star Wars games, but I also play Call of Duty, Bad Company, and many others. you want to know anythiing about me just ask I'm not embarrased to tell about myself.

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Guest bendarby24

my name is ben darby im 15 and i live in the south west off england...( i live right next to stone henge in a village.

i go to kingdown sports college and im taking music, geography, drama, history as my gcse's

i play guitar and i am going to be on the radio in a copal off mounths ;) cant wait.


so that me ;) you can add me on face book ben darby or on msn it my name for deadly streams but just add on


;) welcome to the best kotor moding site :)

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What kind of guitar? I play as well. I've got a 1990 Hohner Arbor Series, and play rock'n'roll (Green Day, The White Stripes, The Libertines).

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Guest bendarby24

geo ibanez ;) i play kings of leon, green day ......

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Guest HK-47

Introduction: I am referred to as HK-47, skilled in both trans-organic relations and personal combat.


But seriously, I live in Illinois. I am 21, but am 8 at heart. Do I have a GF? No. It's not a priority in my life at this time. I have a hard time being cruel to others (until they are cruel to me). I do have ADD and ADHD :unsure: . No I do not take medication for it. It didn't help after a while. ADD and ADHD are just as serious as Autism and others like it and is sometimes like most of them wrapped into one. My biggest pet peeve is bad grammar and spelling.


I am currently unemployed. Never have been employed at a business. I live with my dad. I don't have my own car (I am unemployed remember). Sucks not having a job with decent hours doing what I like or can do. Though I do work with my Dad who is self employed as a Carpet Cleaner (not one of those cheap-o Stanley Steamer types where you don't need much training to do what they do), I'm talking professional Carpet Cleaning (PM me for more info on how to determine if a Carpet Cleaner will do a good job). I would like to have a job soon so I can play SW TOR. It will be my first MMO.


I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan. My list of favorite Sci-Fi is as follows though not in order except for SW and Star Trek:


Star Wars (ALWAYS #1)

Doctor Who

Stargate SG1

Stargate Atlantis (worst ending to a series ever)



Star Trek


My favorite dark Force user is Darth Nihilus (He wasn't technically a Sith despite the Darth title (that can be debated elsewhere)).


I am primarily a PC gamer. I never got the opportunity to have a Gameboy, Nintendo, PS1 or 2 when I was younger so I had PC. I now have a PS1 and 2 from my High school graduation party.


Obviously my games are mostly SW. I have both KotORs, BF1 & 2 for both PC and PS2, The Force Unleashed PS2 (wish I had a PS3 to play the PS3 version), Jedi Power Battles PS1, Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 PS2, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 (best game ever. Played it at least 500 times. Seriously.), Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy, Galactic Battlegrounds, Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter (can't get it to work), Republic Commando, and (before I replaced my motherboard) Empire at War.


My other games for PC are Starcraft 1, Starcraft 2, Rise Of Nations. NFS 2 SE, NFS High Stakes, NFS PORSCHE UNLEASHED, NFS Hot Pursuit & Hot Pursuit 2, NFS Pro Street, Pitfall (aww yeah, that probably takes you back), Virtual Pool 1& 2, Decent 3, and Worms Armageddon.


The only online game I play is Ogame.


I'm not going to list all of my other games to save you all time reading this.


In case you're wondering, YES. I do collect the SW figures & vehicles. No I don't have a lot of money. If I sold all of my vehicles and figures, then I would have a lot of money. Let me put it this way, I have over 100 clones (I don't like having more than one named clone unless they're in different armor) and maybe over 200 figures all together. I have 20 vehicles (2 mini, 1 transformer, 1 die-cast metal, 1 FX X-Wing). That does not include the 15 Lego set I have. I have three helmets, 5 lightsabers, and 2 clone blasters. Oh, and 1 talking Yoda. Am I a nerd, you decide. No I don't have a ton of the comics or books. Books put me to sleep. Okay, I don't have book books. The only sound track CD I have is from SW Episode 2.


I also collected Hot Wheels cars for a long time. I have over 100 of them, plus some track.


I played (still can) trumpet in band at school.


I have 2 computers in my room (unofficially 3 as the laptop I have is my dad's, but I keep it with me). One of those computers is my SC2 computer. The other has parts that are old (save for the video card) and is amazing that I've only had to replace the video card in it 2 or 3 times. It runs Widows 2000 most stable Windows OS ever.


I do NOT use Internet Explorer. If you use Explorer, switch to Firefox, NOW!!! :rant:


That covers everything but my religion (If you want to know about that, just ask). If I haven't bored you already, I thank you for taking the time to read it. :hot:

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Guest HK-47

Addendum: I almost forgot to mention that I'm known as rebuiltHK47 or, if I can, HK-47. I love doing the HK speak on websites where my name is HK-47.

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Agreement: It is certainly entertaining to use the vocal patterns of HK-47.


Affirmative: Nice. I've always said Green Day are one of the greatest bands ever.

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Guest Master Revan

Hi. Nice to meet you all.

My name is Fellipe.

I'm from Brazil.

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Guest HK-47

Agreement: It is certainly entertaining to use the vocal patterns of HK-47.


Affirmative: Nice. I've always said Green Day are one of the greatest bands ever.


Yes it is. Do it enough and you start wanting to say the labels.


Statement: I've never listened to Green Day that I'm aware of.

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Yes it is. Do it enough and you start wanting to say the labels.


Statement: I've never listened to Green Day that I'm aware of.


Is it weird that I read all of your posts in an HK voice? 'Cause I totally do that.

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Guest HK-47

Is it weird that I read all of your posts in an HK voice? 'Cause I totally do that.



That's actually part of the point of me doing that. The other is that it's fun, and is a good indicator of the meaning of each sentence. What's funny is when no one knows why I'm doing it, and they try to imitate or mock me and fail at it. And then when they insult me, I just think like HK and enjoy their insults (whether I do or not).


Query: Are you sure you're hearing me in your head? There is a strong possibility that I'm right behind you. Most meatbags are prone to such audible tricks.

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Guest JoFlashStudios

Hey. I live somewhere in the United States - there's no telling where - and I'm a software development for American National Insurance. On the side I run everything - and I do mean everything - technical at our church. Have you ever tried being a sound man at a church? Pastors can be very hard to work with, but I digress. The primary reason I'm even saying anything is that Deadly Steam told me that they'd boot me if I didn't post within 24 hours... what a nice way to greet newcomers. :) That aside, there's one more thing. I am in complete agreement with HK-47; bad grammar drives me crazy! Please, please, please capitalize your 'i's, and start each sentence with a period.

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Start each sentence with a period.

Surely you mean end each sentence with a period and start each sentence with a capital letter following the period?

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Guest bendarby24

Have you ever tried being a sound man at a church?

have you ever played guitar to an ion madon song in a church what was a religous consert lol

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Have you ever tried doing a guitar playing exam when the guitar you have to play is missing its high E string? And your friend who is doing it on bass has a broken D string? And someone else who is drumming has to put a book inside the hi-hat because that's also broken? And the amp keeps randomly turning off? I've had all of that simoultaneously.

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I'm not sure what my actual grade is, but my teacher scored me 17/20. She didn't seem to give anyone higher than that, so I suppose I shouldn't be disappointed.

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