
HK Factory Question

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I have searched everywhere for this but alas to no avail. In Malachor V there are 3 outcomes depending on your choices on the HK Factory. I know how to get the hk 51 to come and protect hk 47, but the other 2 im not sure. In one of my very first playtroughs hk ended up being controlled by GO-TO, but it was a loong time ago and earlier versions of the mod. I remember that i activated hk 51 and killing them. Last time i played i did not activate them and just shut down the hk factory but was escorted by hk 50's.

My question is: How is it determined the outcome of the GO-TO vs HK? Is it the way i described above? If so why are there HK 50's with HK 47 when he presumably destroyed them and the factory and why can't they shoot him even though they obviously shoot HK-47 in the factory

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