
cut scenes showing up really small on tsl

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The Wide Screen Gaming forum reports that the game fails to run properly at the 1280 x 720 resolution of your laptop.

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ok i changed the resolution from 640x480 to 1024x768 on the swkotor2.ini but the cut scenes keep showing up small, yet for some reason the game menu runs smoother, what now?

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If your video does not support the 640 x 480 resolution it will show up in a small portion of your screen. If your screen or video driver supports scaling you could select scale image to full panel size. Since the actual bik files are 1600 x 680 I am nit sure what to do to convert them to a size that will play on your computer or if it would be possible in the game engine.

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Hum, in the HD Video Pack, bik files play fine on 1024x768... Strange that yours would be scaled to 1600x680...

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I have the same problem. Very annoying. I think it's an issue with my Intel HD Graphics.

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Hum, in the HD Video Pack, bik files play fine on 1024x768... Strange that yours would be scaled to 1600x680...


I used the Rad video tools File Info to get the size. Most of the files are that size. Looking at a larger sample the are some files with different sizes. Some are as small as 640 x 252 so the game engine must be doing something. What it is I do not know offhand.

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