
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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Guest Salk



There is a consistency bug for the quest "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission" in Nar Shaada.


I have provided Fassa with Power Cells (another quest) and after doing it, I can no longer finish the "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission". The only entry I get when using the console next to Fassa is "Log out". I read in a walkthrough that I am supposed to use that console to optimize the pylons energy (and that would start and complete this quest - I have obviously started it via dialogue with Fassa instead). The pylons are therefore working perfectly fine but the quest is not conisdered completed.


A second inconsistency appeared for the quest "Serraco Thugs".


When I meet the Serraco leaders, I have already wiped off the Exchange base. Still I can choose in the dialogue to Persuade them to attack the Exchange. I choose that and the Serraco leave. The quest "Serraco Thugs" does never trigger to completion and the leader of the refugees does not acknowledge my having taken care of the Serraco thugs.

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Guest Salk

Because she wields one, and you need to use single, 2x single and unarmed. That's the dialogue, that's the requirements. They should be mentioned in [] after Kreia refuses to train you, no?


Right, I can tell you more about this.


I never got the messagge [You need to have two single-handed lightsabers for yourself and one for Visas.] untill just recently and the reason is that before I had in my inventory (and equipped) the following lightsabers:


  • Double-bladed lightsaber (Player)
  • Double-bladed lightsaber (Visas)
  • Short-bladed lightsaber (Kreia)


Later in Nar Shaada I get another short lightsaber as result of a completed quest and when I talk to Kreia I finally get that message you spoke of (which obviosuly and absurdly triggers only when you have two single-bladed lightsabers in your inventory).


Still, the message I have had before hinting at the fact that I did not possess a lightsaber does not make any sense and should be changed to something different. I did have a lightsaber and so had Kreia and Visas. I propose to have the [You need to have two single-handed lightsabers for yourself and one for Visas.] be always displayed instead when you try to train with Kreia but don't meet the requirements.

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Guest Salk

In one dialogue line there is this simbol { in the beginning. It is a typo that should be removed.

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Guest Master Revan

You must also be strongly aligned to either the light or the dark side, in addition to being level 15. Perform more good/evil deeds and then return to Kreia.


I know. I was 80 light side points (checked it with kse),lv 18, i trained with visas, explores the secret sith tombs in Korriban.


All it's done.


But but prestige class option isn't still available.

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Guest hkmandalore47



There is a consistency bug for the quest "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission" in Nar Shaada.


I have provided Fassa with Power Cells (another quest) and after doing it, I can no longer finish the "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission". The only entry I get when using the console next to Fassa is "Log out". I read in a walkthrough that I am supposed to use that console to optimize the pylons energy (and that would start and complete this quest - I have obviously started it via dialogue with Fassa instead). The pylons are therefore working perfectly fine but the quest is not conisdered completed.


i think i know what you are talking about because i've had a problem with that quest too. is it the one where u ask the ithorian for the power cells too? u have to change the order of which you do first, you have to talk to fassa first, and then get the ithorian to give his power cells to fass (and you, if u want the airspeeder).

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Guest Salk

i think i know what you are talking about because i've had a problem with that quest too. is it the one where u ask the ithorian for the power cells too? u have to change the order of which you do first, you have to talk to fassa first, and then get the ithorian to give his power cells to fass (and you, if u want the airspeeder).


I am not sure I understand what you mean.


What I am reporting is simple: if you complete the Ithorian's quest BEFORE you take care of the "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission", the latter is screwed. Having such dependencies/orders do not make the game look good.

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Win 7 64 bit, running fully patched Kotor2, RCM 1.7 with unofficial, USM compatibility patch, no force restrictions on armor.


So basically, kaevee or w/e the hell doesn't show up in the enclave to complete the theif quest. Would installing the dantoonie restoration mod fix this? Any advice?


What happened on an earlier run through which got me to start a new game, again, was that after I had done everything on Nar Shaddaa, I go to get the codes for the EH changed at the repair man, select the two people who would go, watch the EH take off and be followed, but would end up back on NarShaaddaa, unable to board the EH and have the 'code change' quest complete. I was basically stuck. Game breaking bug.


Now that I've run into kaevee not showing up again, I'm believing I'm wasting time playing through to Nar Shaddaa to only be stuck again.


The planet order I went through the first time was dan, onderon, narsh. At this play through, I've only been to Dan and ran into this.


Any advice?

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Guest Salk

Hello, I'm new here! After the combats the caracter can not move. After I save and reload everything is back to normal. I am running TSLRCM 1.7+ the unoffical fix. I install the fix after experience this bug. Anyone got the same thing? Or is some way to solve it?


EDIT: I solve the problem, I forgott to pacth to v1.0b. I reinstall the game after a clean unistalation, pacthed, apllyed TSLRCM 1.7+ the unoffical fix, reaload the saves and it's oki!


Edit 2: Spoke to soon, After a few combats I got the same bug, any help?


Go to the Graphics Options and choose VSync ON. This should take care of your problem.

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There is a consistency bug for the quest "Power Shortage: Bonus Mission" in Nar Shaada.

Already fixed for 1.8.

A second inconsistency appeared for the quest "Serraco Thugs".

That one's new. I'll look into it.

Still, the message I have had before hinting at the fact that I did not possess a lightsaber does not make any sense and should be changed to something different. I did have a lightsaber and so had Kreia and Visas. I propose to have the [You need to have two single-handed lightsabers for yourself and one for Visas.] be always displayed instead when you try to train with Kreia but don't meet the requirements.

There are 3.

One for when you do not have a lightsaber yet (the quest).

One for when you do but do not have Visas (so not to spoil Visas, some people do play this game first time).

One for when both of these are met, but the requirements aren't met still.

The script for when to show these appears to be a bit buggy though. Not something I can fix, I'll bug Zbyl, but since he's busy with M4-78 no promises it gets changed.

In one dialogue line there is this simbol { in the beginning. It is a typo that should be removed.

There's a LOT of dialogue, so just this info isn't enough. Do you know the dialogue?

What happened on an earlier run through which got me to start a new game, again, was that after I had done everything on Nar Shaddaa, I go to get the codes for the EH changed at the repair man, select the two people who would go, watch the EH take off and be followed, but would end up back on NarShaaddaa, unable to board the EH and have the 'code change' quest complete. I was basically stuck. Game breaking bug.

That's a global not properly initilising. While it usually should do that, for some reason some systems wont when loading a savegame. Hence why we advise everyone to start a new game, since then they are always properly working.

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That's a global not properly initilising. While it usually should do that, for some reason some systems wont when loading a savegame. Hence why we advise everyone to start a new game, since then they are always properly working.


It is a new game started. I never ran a vanilla kotor 2. Started with these mods. I've already installed and uninstalled this game like 7 times because things weren't working right and the mods weren't functioning correctly.


I'm saying, this a new game, new start, and the bug happened again. What's the deal?

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There's a LOT of dialogue, so just this info isn't enough. Do you know the dialogue?

I remember seeing one with a Mira conversation, but can't remember which one specifically.

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{[Mira turns as she says the above line, as if listening.] {A little wary}}Uh-oh... we've got insects. Looks like the Gand colony is out in full force.



Don't see anything wrong with it though, but maybe the game can't handle double {{}}...

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Check your override. What's the "date changed" on globalcat.2da?



Date modified was a couple days ago. feb 11, which is when I started the current game.

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{[Mira turns as she says the above line, as if listening.] {A little wary}}Uh-oh... we've got insects. Looks like the Gand colony is out in full force.



Don't see anything wrong with it though, but maybe the game can't handle double {{}}...

That looks like it was the line I saw. Curse playing really late last night! :P

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Date modified was a couple days ago. feb 11, which is when I started the current game.

What the... It's supposed to be somewhere around july (1.7) or november (1.7 fix) :S. Not the installation date.

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What the... It's supposed to be somewhere around july (1.7) or november (1.7 fix) :S. Not the installation date.


Am I installing stuff wrong then? The order of the mods?


Mine went like this:


official patch

HQ movies

HQ Music

Music Improvement;95132

Ultimate Sound Mod;64759

RCM 1.7

1.7 unofficial patch

USM compatibility patch (doing the whole putting the USM files into the patcher folder)

Remove force restrictions;117501


What's the deal?

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Does the USM patch contain globalcat.2da? If so, don't use it.


I notice alot of the override files have my installation date as created and modified. And on a side note, my save games was buried deep in my User folder. It's win 7, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or what, it's just odd to be sure.


Starting game again after complete clean install and will see how it goes.

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Go to the Graphics Options and choose VSync ON. This should take care of your problem.


Thank You very much! :unworthy: :P :thumbup:

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I notice alot of the override files have my installation date as created and modified. And on a side note, my save games was buried deep in my User folder. It's win 7, so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or what, it's just odd to be sure.

You aren't running in Administrator mode, are you?

That might explain stuff...

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You aren't running in Administrator mode, are you?

That might explain stuff...


I don't think so. There is no little windows icon on the shortcut icon for kotor2. It is also in the programfilesx86 folder, so there shouldn't be a need to run as administrator.


I can say, I don't like how much I have to "Approve" of in win7. Really?! You can't just copy and paste without 6 approvals?

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See, what I don't understand is that alot of the mods have files by the same name, yet they're different sizes and dates. For example, alot change the spells.2da or the baseitems.2da. But isn't it, if I'm always putting it all in the override, only the last mod I install will actually effect that file and be the active one?


Like for example, improved ambient sound mod wants me to add a spells.2da file, but that file is already in the override from an higher force powers mod I installed. Wouldn't this all just mess it up?

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Machiavelli your load order is wrong, you have to install USM before tne 1.7 fix. Look at the USM Patch instructions it's very specific on how it needs to be installed. Once you finish your USM Compatibility patch then copy over 1.7 fix.



HELP, I have black screen at Malacore again 4th time my game has broken, please help me fix it. :D

I listed all my mods here.

Do I remember hearing it's an issue with USM, something about 900+ something file needs to be deleted?


The Ebon Hawk comes out of lightspeed at Malacore, the cutscene of the planet seen for the first time in game. Then loads a level, where Kreia is walking across the bridge as assassins appear behind her. As She starts talking to Sion, the line where she says "he didn't learn the lesson he is as insignificant as the power of her hand", it goes black. Then cuts to the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk crashing on the surface. Then back to Kreia talking about there is much to plan, with a black screen. Then control turns over to the player with a black screen and mouse cursor visible.


The game is not locked up, you can save the game, then load and you are in the level with Kreia and Sion is still being held up in the air choking.



Thanks for any help.

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