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Hanharr/Mira - point of determination?

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Good afternoon. I'm curious about at which point on Nar Shaddaa the game determines whether you'll get Mira or Hanharr.


I managed to get "Doesn't look much like a Jedi" comment from Mira during a cutscene by staying within 40-60 alignment points range. However, I still got Hanharr afterwards (my alignment was around 20 points).


Is the point of determination only after you get invitation from Visquis? If so, then this makes getting Mira as a darksider/vice versa that much more difficult and out of character.

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Yes, you are correct. The point of determination is after Atton runs up to you to give you the healing packs (the dialogue which ends with "And I know just the place..."). 

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