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After defeating all the ubese bounty hunters....and Mira leaves the tunnels...cut scene to VIsquis....then where the exile is supposed to enter the with the Ubese it's MIra entering!!!! what's going on

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

I don't think that this is your problem here, but I encountered a few crashes during several cut-scenes, when a character was supposed to walk out of the scene but somebody stood in his/her way.

I could always get it to work with reloading and approaching the cutscene-area from a slightli different angle.

I'm fairly sure this never made the game crash before TSLRCM though.

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I have no other MODS except the USM MOD. I have downloaded and installed the USM compatibility and everything was awesome in the game until this small Quirk....I'll have to see if i can go back to a older save and as you say try a different angle... Will let you folks know... Oh there a way to get past this using the save game editor (KSE 3.3.2)? Have also thought about going to TSLRCM 1.6.....but will have to start over more than likely

Edited by johnseggerman

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HEY YA'LL!!!! Tried a reload from a previous save and didn't upgrade Mira w/ any previously aquired armour....and just went to let the Exlie in...instead of trying to eliminate everyone and VOILA!!! Everything continues as before!!....all I can say is "SAVE OFTEN AND IN DIFFERENT SLOTS"

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