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Download:Invisible Headgear

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File Name: Invisible Headgear

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 16 Sep 2015

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


Star Wars if you look through all of the movies, games, fan media, ect. always had one thing in common, masks, and not your normal run of the mill costume masks that you could by at your local convenient store. They have these great elaborate masks that give them special abilities or give them some extra bounus that they need to do what they are doing. The only thing that is bad about those masks is that they are UUUUUUUUUUGLY (excluding a few choice ones of course.) Now you ask "SithRevan what can we do about these ugly masks that make our characters look stupid?".


Well my friends I have the solution. Actually Shem our Site Manager and all around cool guy has come up with the solution... I am just reviewing it.;)


Anyway though I am proud to announce that the solution to making the ugly masks go away is to simply make them invisible and that is exactly what Shem did. What this mod does is makes all of the default masks in the game completely invisible so that you can get the bonuses with out having to make a fashion statement in the process.


So I say awesome work Shem. I am glad to see you have a couple cool mods left in ya. Now to all of the other out there waiting to get you greedy little hands on this treasure... Enjoy.:D


Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.





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