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File Name: Socom

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


"Here we have a brand new gun model from the very talented Inyri Forge. I for one am glad to see her modeling after a bit of a breaksmile.gif. This new gun model is that of a SOCOM. Now as I've played many FPS in my time, I am well accustomed to what a SOCOM should look like. Even so, I googled for some reference pictures just to be safe. When I first viewed this model it brang back fond memories of the MGS series on the PS1 and PS2 all the way to SoF2 for the PC.


The model itself, I find, is elegant in design and structure. Inyri's skill with modeling guns really shows in her latest release. This model is extremely accurate and goes down to the finest detail with features such as the long silenced barrel, features that make the SOCOM what it is in todays gaming world. I think the screenshots speak for themselves. Great work as usual Inyrismile.gif Go check it out everyone!


- JediKilla"



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