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Download:Deldrimor Sword

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File Name: Deldrimor Sword

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

K1R Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


"Inyri Forge is, I hope, a modder who needs no introduction. This latest mod from one of the most prolific modellers to work on KotOR is the Deldrimor Sword from Guild Wars, which, since its introduction in April, has apparently become very popular. It's been a little while since Inyri's last release, and it's nice to see another mod by her uploaded here.


The model is, quite simply, excellent, and the texturing is also very, very good. While it is tempting to say that the mod is up to Inyri's usual high standard, this is not true - this mod exceeds even that, and it would be no exaggeration to say that this is probably the best model we've had in a good while. The accuracy of the model is as near to perfect as makes no odds, and the texture looks great. In-game it looks even better than in the shots, and it fits the aesthetic of the game well, particularly where Wookiees are involved.


The description is nice and to the point, reflecting the fantasy origins of the weapon, while the stats are based upon those of the weapon in Guild Wars. If there are criticisms to be made of the mod, some may view the stats (2-20 Physical Damage bonus, +3 Constitution) as a little overpowered and the description is not very Star Wars-y. The darker areas of the texture also do not show up especially well in-game, either.


However, the stats reflect those in Guild Wars, as the description refers to the mod's origin, and the texturing is actually quite visible; overall, these are minor quibbles regarding a nevertheless very cool mod.


NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.


-Darth InSidious"



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