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So, what was actually "broken" with the game ending?

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I have just finished playing TLSRCM and then i've read articles about lists of restored and not restored and cut content... and i must ask.


So, what was really messed up with the game ending?


I never completed a game w/o RCM. I never got far enough. I've got bored the time i played w/o mods, and i heard from people that the game is incomplete, the ending does not explain anything and just plainly sucks.


From what i get, this game has very good storyline, mysteries following one another.

It goes like this:


- You think you were severed from the force by the council, and you think you must follow "where force takes you" to regain your connection, regain your powers, survive the sith hunting you etc. You basically fight for survival and hope to grow strong enough to fight back eventually.

- Kreia and Visas reveal you that your goal is to fight Nihilus who is insane and hungers for the Force, and if you dont stop him he will consume all Jedi, then turn on sith, and then the galaxy would be devoid of all life.

- You gather masters in restored enclave (this really bothers me, since neither in cut content neither in base game, there is no explanation how did the enclave got rebuilt so fast?) to learn you were not severed by force, but you severed yourself, and now you pose a threat to the galaxy unless you are severed from it again, because you do not "regain connection" but drain people around you, using them as the force's source

- Then Kreia does its thing and you learn that she manipulated you into becoming what you are, and has an unclear but very dark goal, but for now, you have to fight off the sith invasion

- Then you fight the Sith who made their move, fight nihilus, kill him, destroy his ship

- Then you learn that Sion and Kreia await at Malachor V, and if you wont follow Kreia to Malachor V (for whatever reason she needs you there), she will kill you by killing herself, so you must go

- There you learn what it was really all about - she intended to give you enough power so you would be able to destroy the force when you kill her. You learn that she was one of the sith lords, and she grew tired of the force having some "will", perhaps a little mad, well, she decided to destroy the force, and she saw you as the best candidate to do it, since you posessed such powers.

- Then you either destroy malachor v for good, or (stay at malachor?...) for bad.


Now, as i read, most of the content restored (bound to the main storyline) only explained a bit of fate of your companions (it showed them trying to attack kreia, atton fighting sion, you can either free them or kill them, mira fights hannhar, etc etc) but thats just "cosmetic", i mean, w/o this, your companions might as well be left on the ship, trying to survive the crash then rebuilding the ship so you can escape when remote activates the mass shadow.


Now, the only thing i see unexplained, are:

* the reason to blow up malachor again (why is this "good" to blow it up and "bad" to leave it intact, why is HK-47 on the good side and Goto on the bad side)?

* how exactly would you "destroy" the force, and why would you do it, even being bad, if you'd rather wield the force and use it to be powerful, moreso, being good?

* why would you die if you wouldnt go to malachor when kreia would kill herself, and why didnt you when you kill her yourself?

* why does your force bond stop working, meaning, in the final battle you dont "buff" kreia with your buffs? or was it "made" by kreia, meaning, she did it, not you, in order to manipulate you?

* what actually happens in dark ending, when kreia is thrown into malachor 5 core?


But theese are minor and i belive, i might have either skipped some dialogs or just dont know much about SW universe (for once, i dont understand idea of "mass shadow" yet i've read wookiepedia and i generally understand physics of Sci-fi and concepts of FTL travel etc)


So, what was actually cut from the MAIN storyline?

What was "cut" from the game ending?

What was "missing"? What was "unexplained"?


Its not like i want to debate, i just want to know, because i do see alot of misc stuff being cut (whole planet, HK factory, alot of doors, locations, scenes, dialogues) but thats not the main plot (well except HK factory). But what i heard was that the game plot is unexplained and nothing is understood in the end, no answers done, and there is no point in finishing the game.


And it was compared to kotor1 which.... HAD A WHOLE ENDING CUT OUT! I mean, there was a "good-bad" ending where you'd die on the Star forge because you would be turned back from the dark side...


I just wanna know! Thanks, if you understand me

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Guest Darth Hayze

Well, without RCM you basically got to Malachor V, fight through the storm beasts, fight Sion, then Kreia, and that's it.

By incomplete people generally mean that compared to KotOR 1, the ending felt like it wasn't there.


And the cut KotOR 1 ending was really a simple dialogue choice for Female Revan who Romanced Carth, to NOT kill him.

Edited by Darth Hayze

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But the remote part was present in the original? And remote-goto confrontation was also present, right? It was just decided by alignment, not by HK factory?


So the ONLY thing missing was "what are other party members doing while you are going to kreia through sion, and why dont they do anything"? Is that it?

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Well, I'm one of the self-proclaimed resident experts on Malachor, so I'll elaborate on everyone's fate in the original game, and then restored content.





-Original Game - Disappears. You don't hear from him.

-Restored Game - Fights Sion. Joins Kreia and fights Disciple. Fight with Sion determines his fate(Dies, or leaves with Exile). Attacks Kreia with party.




-Original Game - Fights Hanharr

-Restored Game - Fights Hanharr. Fights Kreia. Is imprisoned.



-Original - Disappears

-Restored - Fights Kreia. Fights Handmaiden. Asks where Exile is leaving (unknown regions). There is also content that suggests she was supposed to have a scene with Mandalore on Malachor.



-Original - Is a hologram which tells the Remote to complete a mission.

-Restored - Same



-Original- Disappears

-Restored- Fights Atton. Fights Kreia.



-Original - Disappears

-Restored - Fights Kreia. Fights Visas (if joined with Kreia). Asks Exile where he is going (unknown regions)



-Original- Disappears

-Restored- Confronts G0-T0. Outcome is determined by his choice in HK Factory (I think)



-Original - Has the solo mission to do, runs into G0-T0

-Restored - Scene is extended when HK-47 arrives



-Original- Disappears

-Restored - Not restored in RCM, but content suggests that Hanharr was supposed to save the Exile at the last moment as the Trayus Core falls apart.




Thats about as much as I can elaborate on for now. I am working on a mod now that is trying to clean up most of these inconsistencies. Check it out if you're interested.

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Aaaah, i see, so thats what is meant by "cut" - its not what concerns you, but your allies. Yes indeed, thank you now i understand. From reading about your mod, especially, I understand alot of what could be there and was not.


So what was basically "cut" is the details of the ending, not the ending itself.

Indeed, a lot of detail is lost, when you put it all out.

I was just confused by people saying it the way that i presumed the main storyline was unfinished, which is not true.


The main storyline, however, is not what KOTOR is about. Details matter very much.


I hope you go on with your mod and it becomes integrated into TSLRCM or is compatible with it.

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The one thing i've never really got was how exactly did the Ebon Hawk make into the Trayus Core after crashing into the mountains? Who fixed it? Who's piloting it? And how did the Exile even get on board? Did she like do some kind of mega force jump from the core to the ship?


I haven't actually completed a full game with the mod installed so this may even have been addressed, but anyone got any theories?

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