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Nearly Impossible Darth Nihilus fight

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Hi all, playing TSLRCM for the first time. I have gotten to the Darth Nilius fight and got stuck, had a quick Google and everyone seems to say it is easy, I've done every quest (that I could find) up to this point, I'm level 31, and normally fly through any fights. In a straight up fight he would destroy my team (Visas and Canderous) in less than a minute. I thought I could possibly win by running round dodging him and force lightening him but that would be hella boring. IN the end I had a brain wave and download this mod;104377 Which is supposed to make the fight harder, after I installed this he was MUCH easier and I beat him first time. I just wanted to post this encase it was a bug and encase any one else was stuck here and needed a solution.




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might have been your arsenal, if you played normal and he was tough that might have been caused by him not targeting u first, and cutting down your only support.  Remember if you set mandolore to be best with ranged weapon like most people do, he will probably defect his blows, visas has always been a pushover for me, she needs to be that "big gun, little armor" character that you keep him from hitting, mainly because I had her with standard clothes, and that is very vulnerable.  Lastly remember he is a lord, and if you try to be a well rounded character, he most likely will block most of your force powers

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In TSLRCM his HP and Tobin's HP are switched around... probably the "DARTH NIHILUS Improved" mod takes it back down to the very old very low HP.

But no, doesn't sound like a bug.

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