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help with lightsaber blade bug

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whenever i upgrade the blue short lightsaber its blade turns into orange, this weird bug only affects the short saber


but when i save and load it reverts back to its blue color


the only mods i have related to lightsabers are Default Replacements Hilt Mod and a mix of DRHM's blade textures and


can anyone figure out whats wrong with the blue short saber? thx

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I've seen this before (or something similar, I think). This relates to the actual model files themselves. What caused the issue for me was that both the blue saber and the orange saber models use the same reference name, which when loaded into the game at the same time, the most recently loaded model would overwrite all in game.


So do this test for me. See if there are any other color crystals this happens with. Then, make a lightsaber with a blue crystal, and one with an orange crystal. Give them both to someone in your party. Then save/reload and tell me what colors they are.

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already tried that, ive tried all the available colors since i was on dantooine (being there is also the reason on how i found this bug) anyway and so far it only affects the short saber, only blue, orange has no issue


EDIT: wait... it seems it only affects handmaidens short lightsaber.... but when i changed MY short saber that i always use it was fine


another test, i have a blue shortsbr on one hand and an orange at another



this is the result



BUT... if i dont have any orange shortsaber equipped 



they dont have any issues, i didnt do any load/save on this test, i simply went to the workbench and clicked on them

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Yep, so as I thought, the orange lightsaber model has the same reference name as the blue model. Does this only work for shortsabers?

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but the orange saber model is a unique name under w_lsabreoran01, since thats what Default Replacements Hilt Mod did

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but the orange saber model is a unique name under w_lsabreoran01, since thats what Default Replacements Hilt Mod did

Yep, I bet if you open up that file with a hex editor (HXD for Windows is good, HexFiend for mac), you'll see w_shrtsbr_001 on the first few lines.

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went to sleep, sry but how can i see it with HxD... all i see are gibberish 

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