
Odd equipment issue

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I recently noticed that some of my armor in game is showing negative 6 digit numbers for saves. I checked the .uti files for the armors and they appear to be fine, they are meant to have negative saves but in the single digits. What should I be looking for to fix this kind of problem if the .uti isn't the issue?


I'm not listing mods as i'm trying to get a general idea of what type of files I should look at to find the problem.

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here you go





I tried equipping the -fortitude one, fortitude stat turned red but remained at 4.


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I see you have my mod downloaded. I'm not sure as to why they do this. When I'm in game, this doesn't show up for me. Do you have any other mods installed that alter any UTI's or things like that?

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I have a lot of UTI's from quite a few things. I tried to get everything that looked good between here, filefront, nexus, and a few personal sites like redhawke's page. I also have modded versions of every item 2da I think, but most things I installed used the patcher.


How could other UTI's cause this?


I don't have subfolders in my override if that is what you were wondering.

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Hmm, I'm not sure. Unless there's a mod that specifically alters every .uti in a certain way, that somehow managed to be compatible with my mod, then I'm unsure. If you could link me to the mods that you have installed, that'd be great :)


And just in case, here's how it should look like:





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Only things that I think could cause possible problems are: Combat suit revisited, Force powers with Armors, and the expanded workbench/new bench upgrades. Can I get another mod to cheek out this problem too?

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Force powers with armors mods spells.2da only so it should be ok but i'm not entirely sure.

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