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Guest bendarby24


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Guest bendarby24

with all the mods going on, we dont now what is really happaning so i have some questions:


what is the news of the new m478 mod. when is it coming out is there new suprises :o


what is the news for lord of hungers patch (geoharad mod)?


is there eny body going to make the holocron quest


and is enybody going to make over cut content mods(that had content to the because there was not anoth data? :confused:

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Yeah people can see it.


I'm sure someone who knows something will post soon, just give them time.

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Guest bendarby24

i now that.....its just 20 min later and 0 veiws :confused:

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what is the news of the new m478 mod. when is it coming out is there new suprises :confused:


No idea.


what is the news for lord of hungers patch (geoharad mod)?


Last I heard, LOH had written up a script, but then decided that he wanted to do some revisions on it.


is there eny body going to make the holocron quest


Not that I know of. I assembled the dialog for it, but I've not had any luck making a placeable. That was awhile ago though, I should probably try my hand at it again sometime

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Guest bendarby24

thanks for the update that why your my faverate moder hir....well and lord of hunger....and stoney :confused:

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On M4-78EP I believe Sith Holocron said that Zbyl has taken over the project from Stoney so I'd assume (May be wrong) that he is going to be starting work on it soon :confused:

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I should probably try my hand at it again sometime


I'll be waiting...


I should probably try my hand at it again sometime


I'll be waiting to see what you can do.:confused:

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