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Cloned Revan

Vash's Fate [SPOILERS}

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Is it possible to change the final scene in M4-78 Enhancement Project so that the Exile (male or female) weather or not decided to protect Master Vash from the M4-78 electrical lightning attack? So if the Exile decide to protect Master Lonna Vash then the Exile will have the meeting with Jedi Master Vash together with Jedi Masters Kavar, Vrook, and Zez-Kai Ell on the Rebuild Jedi Enclave Else the Exile decide not to protect her then the Exile will have the meeting with only Jedi Masters Kavar, Vrook, and Zez-Kai Ell. So giving the Exile the chance to revert the events sorrounding Jedi Master Lonna Vash

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