
Editing creaturespeed.2da v2.b file (and others) and make them work

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Hi everyone. Completely new to modding KOTOR, started 2 days ago after I got tired of normal running speed on Taris. So I searched, found Kotor Tool, learned how to open and edit creaturespeed and put the new creaturespeed.2da and the creaturespeed.xml (along with featgain and powergain, which I edited as well) into the override directory.

I would swear yesterday it worked. But not today.

I have by now edited the file several times with different values, and the game ignores it. There is a settings.xml file in the Kotor Tool folder, do I need that (nobody mentioned it anywhere, so I guess not)? What do the xml files do?


Anyone have an idea? I'm playing the 4 cd version (Lot's of crashes on Win 7). Thx in advance.

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Well, the xml files don't even need to be used, or saved as; that's just a handy fix for a future tool idea that never got made.


As to the 2da file, did you click somewhere else in the file after editing a value? Otherwise, that value won't be saved with the file.


Also, could you post the file for us to examine and try to find any issues that way?

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Thank you for the quick answer. For reasons I don't understand, deadlystream doesn't let me attach files :/. Yes, I clicked somewhere else, the changes were made. I just now doublechecked (runspeed for PC vanilla is 5.40, I upped it to 7.10).



New info/question. Frustrated, I deleted all the files in the override directory (there were more attempts at modding). After that, the game crashed constantly. I installed it again, just put the creaturespeed.2da in (made a clean save first), and now there's a new file - nwscript.nss. What does that one do?

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It's harmless and is used by Kotor Tool when making scripts. It was extracted as a fail-safe to ensure the file was there when/if it's needed.


Also, to attach files, just rename the extension to .jpg and be sure to say what the actual one needs to be, in this case .2da.

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One 2da coming up.

After reinstalling, the new speed doesn't work on the lower Taris level. Upper Taris, Endar Spire works. However, after a few minutes the game will crash to menu during area transition or when I load a game. Which, of course, means that I have now spend more time on those levels than if I had just accepted the "slow" running speed.

I think I will give up - I had a hard time getting the game to run on Win 7, and need to use a no-cd crack as recommended on the only install instruction post I found that worked for me, otherwise I can't play at all. Thanks anyway.

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