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Towards a perfect K2 - 007 - Why would Kreia be concerned with Bastila or Onasi?

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Why would Kreia be concerned with Bastila or Onasi?


Malakor, at the end

Kreia is talking about Revan







Kreia :

And, like you, he knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them.

Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks.

It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did.




And, like you, she knew she must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them.

Because such attachments would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where she now walks.

It would have helped had she made him understand, but a hero of the Republic, no matter how brave, cannot understand war as Revan did.


I do not understand the two sentences ?It would have helped??


What does they do there ?


In what way it would have helped? And helped who, why?


I would better understand if Kreia said 'It would help...'


Can somebody explain me the meaning of those sentences in this context?


Thank you.



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it makes sense to me,

ummm, put a comma(,) here "It would have helped," that might make more sense to you maybe? but im guessing english isnt your first language? so it is understandable y u dont understand it properly...

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The sentence has a meaning in itself. The question is: what does this allusion to the comprehension of the art of the war, by Bastila or Onasi, is doing in the mouth of Kreia at this time, there?


Kreia explains to the Exile that she should not have attachement, not to be weakened, what Revan, apparently, did not explain to Bastila or Onasi. Ok. He left while requiring to be alone, without explaining that it was to protect himself and to protect the others (and by giving orders to several, of which Mandalore, GoTo and Onasi).


But, at that time, it is a personal search of Revan. A work on its flashes of memory. For the republicans and the admiralty of its armies, whose Onasi, or for the last one of the ancient Jedi, Bastila, the wars are finished. Why, then, this allusion to the art of the war?


One needs a particularly thorough reading of the dialogs and an integration and overlap between them, to understand that Kreia is aware of the existence of the Sith Empire, knows its site, knows that Revan required of Mandaloriens to be its army and fight for the Republic (what is an absolute secrecy of Revan)?


Subtleties of language used are? subtle (thank you Obsidian for the most fabulous work ever done in a video game).


Is it necessary to read there, in filigree, an allusion to the next war? The one presage by Revan since he asked Mandalore to prepare an army to him, GoTo to stabilize the Republic and Onasi, therefore with republican Admiralty, one know what? Is it necessary to read, in the mouth of Kreia, an allusion to this hypothetical Kotor 3 on which Obsidian had said to have started to work, years ago?


Therefore, the two sentences about which I am speaking appear particularly subtle, so subtle that I wonder about my interpretation of this extreme subtlety.



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