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Black Screens

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Well I have had the game since it was released and I have never had this problem before until I reinstalled the game for 1.8.3 The game does not crash It just gives me a black screen when the game when the game becomes playable. 


However I found an easy fix. When the black screen appears I just press alt+Tab, go back to the game and begin play. This also works when the game black screens when playing a cut scene.


I have never had this problem before and have had the same hardware for a few years now, The only thing I can think of is a glitch in the latest AMD Catalyst drivers I got through Windows Update.


So if you are black screening without a crash, give it a try,

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Got the same long ago... then crashing movies if they run, but now everything runs perfect, no black screens, no crashes.

Catalyst definitely seems responsible for that yes... but from I can tell the latest version (or anyway, the one I got) work fine again.

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It is most definitly the latest Cataltst drivers that caused it. I reinstalled the previous driver and it was cured.

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