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Videos playing in small box / twice sometimes & crash.

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So I just got to the part where the big old crusty guy comes in with his ship, as I'm on the outside in the Space Suit. The video plays, small, same as the other, then game minimizes, so I click to bring it back up again and it replays the video. Then crashes.


I have TSLRCM + that one new planet + the 2013 GFX update from another thread & NPC OVerhaul mod. That's it.

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Did you make sure to install individual part of the NPC Overhaul mod?

Also, Movies tend to play better in Windowed mode, so try to enable that.

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I don't like playing games in Windowed mode.


And yes, I did every part of the NPC overhaul. It was grueling, but I even made a checklist of each one I installed as to make sure.

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