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HK Model

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Not sure if this is the right place for this topic as it's technically not a mod for KOTOR. I've had this idea to recreate the HK Factory as a quest in Fallout New Vegas with one of the rewards is HK47 becoming a full fledged companion. Now as I understand there is a mod that uses the SWTOR version of HK as a model but I'd like to try and get the original that we all know and love.


So now for my question. Is there a way to import any character meshes into Blender (as that's the only 3D program I have)?


Also if I posted in the wrong section feel free to move this. :P

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Most people in the KotOR modding community believe porting of assets from KotOR to other games is illegal(though I have seen it done in many games over many years without any reprecussions), so I doubt you are going to get the response you would like.

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Darth Hayze is kind of right; you would of been better of phrasing it differently.


If you just wanted to do this for yourself, then there is no issue, but, you'll find that a lot of modders -- not just with to do with KoTOR -- aren't interested in helping people to port stuff from one game into another. Not because they necessarily look down on it, but, because various sites do not like it one bit. For example one of the best sites for Fallout 3 and New Vegas mods is Nexus. Any mods that aren't kosher will get deleted and the modder will be banned. They have a system in place where other modders are rewarded essentially for reporting on others. You release or even talk about your mod that uses assets from another game for a New Vegas mod on that site and you'll likely get banned for it.


Anyway, to get the model into New Vegas you would have to use NVmax plugin to get it into proper Max -- not Gmax, unless you can find another plugin that can save it out as a format that Blender might be able to use. Save it in a format that Blender can open, and then use the plugin tools for that to get it into New Vegas. I would actually suggest you look at the nif plugin for Max that is available instead. Especially if you can get a student copy of Max, though it may work for Gmax as well. And then do all your work in Max considering how much of an illogical pain in the arse it is to use Blender IMHO.


Though my real suggestion for you if you intend to make this mod publicly available is to use another robot model altogether. One where there is no issues in you using it within a New Vegas mod. Maybe have a look at the existing mods found via Nexus to see if you can find an already game ready robot model that you like and use that in your mod instead. Then spend some time learning how to modify textures so that you can customize it to your liking. The other option is a longer route in that it involves creating your own HK-47 model from scratch to use in your mod instead. There shouldn't be any issues with you using that in your mod as it is simply inspired by HK-47 and is not a port of another game (and company's) assets.


FYI: if you do use someone else's New Vegas robot assets, make sure you track down all the sources for that model as it may be a port of someone else's work. In which case you may need to get permission to use it from the original author. And don't just take the modder's word for it, as many of them try and pass of other people's work as their own; I know of one guy who has been banned from Nexus several times -- he keeps on creating new accounts but is found out every time. Nothing worse than doing a lot of work in good faith only to discover that you need to start from scratch because of some twerp -- another reason why a lot of modders won't help with porting, because they see it as not just being a waste of your time, but potentially a waste of others as well ;).

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Oh I didn't even realise that porting things from one game to another wasn't allowed or was sorta frowned upon! Now that I think about it, it makes sense. I take it the same goes for sound files like dialogue?


Thanks for the tips SIC! I'm not particularily skilled in modelling myself but I could attempt to make a custom HK model. I only really have experience using Blender as my high school did not favour tech classes so it was no Max for us. :P Right! Well off to the drawing board!

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