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Kotor tweaking loot

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Hi everyone, I wonder if there is a way to manage tweaking the drops of mobs, npcs and so on, so I can handplace loot personally. I would like also to remove the level restriction , the fact that you get bad stuff at lower levels while uber staff at high levels, meaning that there are items you will never see in the game, and according to me this is really bad.

I played Kotor 2 at least 10 times and today, after having finished my DS consular\marauder playthrough, I checked my inventory and noticed I saw for the first time a crystal that I have never saw in my old playthrough:
Kaiburr crystall

+3 cons
+3 wisdom
+3 regeneration

But also many other items. I've found also a lot of items that belonged to the light side even if I was dark side. I found ironic that in my last playthrough of a LS sentinel\weapon master that I completed on sunday I was able to find Darth Malak armor, that obviously can be used only by DS people. But damn, I was light side!

So does anyone know where I should begin to tweak the loot ?


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Yeah, it can be done.

Handplaced loot requires you to modify the .utc of the chest/opponent to manually place items on them.


But the random loot can be modified too. I'm uploading something to aid with that later today, if I'm not forgetting it again :P

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Yeah, it can be done.

Handplaced loot requires you to modify the .utc of the chest/opponent to manually place items on them.


But the random loot can be modified too. I'm uploading something to aid with that later today, if I'm not forgetting it again :P

Thanks Sir, I'm looking forward to see what you've made.

In that matter, I would like to know what was your approach, and how you thought the process, what was your opinion etc etc.


I will wait. :D


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