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No force fury fix?

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Pretty sure it does, it just doesn't stack with Force Speed (which is intended, and also listed in the description).

That what you experience?

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Pretty sure it does, it just doesn't stack with Force Speed (which is intended, and also listed in the description).

That what you experience?

I'm not totally sure. I'm going to test it myself once again but I remember that when I played kotor 2 in past that it didn't work as expected (and no, I'm not referring about it stacking with force speed)


Also, I just tried searching for someone else that experienced the same problem and for example I found in the guide of Dsimpson a reference to what I'm saying:


Just search the following words:

    Notes:      (See the Notes on Jedi Weapon Master, they are almost the same)If you got Firefox to search something all you gotta do is click CTRL+F then paste the statement up there.Anyway, not the only reference, I found another there: reference from another guide:

I will take a look myself to see if maybe something changed.


Anyway what's your avatar ? It seems similar to something I already saw but I'm not totally sure...


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Yeah, but I also read about it before being the same for Hanharr's power (which is basically the same) and IIRC it does work.


Also, that's a Rakshasha :).

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