
Possible bug in 1.8.2?

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it seems weird to me.  I'm only using TSLRCM 1.8.2 and M4-78 for mods. 


Early in the game when I talk to T3 about the astrogation system, the conversation seems to be making progress, and then suddenly the hologram message plays and the conversation continues from that point.  It seems impossible to progress to the end of the conversation about the astrogation system, since I get redirected to the hologram message. 


The conversation goes something like this:

T3, what's wrong with the astrogation system?

You locked it, why?

Protect? Protect who?

Why didn't they want anyone to know where the ship had been?

So the astrogation system was crippled?

But how did the Ebon Hawk come back?


At this point the hologram message plays and the conversation switches to responses to the message.  I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems wrong to me.  I've tried many different choices in this conversation other than the ones above, and they all seem to lead to the hologram.

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It has been quite some time since I last played Kotor 2, but I believe that is how it is supposed to be. Because the question is " But how did the Ebon Hawk come back?" Then the hologram is shown to make it clear, T3 doesn't the words for it (figuratively) so he shows the message. I believe this has always been the case, and I dont see whats wrong it to be honest.

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I suppose that makes some sense.  I kind of figured that there'd be an end to the conversation that causes T3 to fix the astrogation system, but I guess not.

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Nope. It works as intended.


As for 'how it worked before', you couldn't access said conversation before 1.8 (the global to set it is in Atton's conversation that never triggered before).

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Oh really, hehe seems i was confused and thought that it was about Revan, seems like I really should start playing again :P

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