Endar Spire

Can't Continue Game After Leaving Atris's Jedi Temple

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Hi Guys.

After the nice conversation with the Atris - which was awesome BTW - I went fight with the Last of the Handmaidens.

So i did all the fights, except the last one versus 5, which i kept dying and gave up.


Anyway, after that: I went back to the Ebon Hawk and after loading, I got a black screen.


I tried changing graphics etc, but nothing.


So i hope you can help me.


Video 1 :



Video 2:


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When you try talking to your teammates, do they respond?


If not, sadly, you need to reload a save from before when you still could...

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Well, i did what you told me and worked. Ty. 


Anyway, is there anyway to make that last handmaiden give the freaking Holocrons ? And is there anyway to Battle Atris And make her say she loved me? 

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I have the exact same problem. I enter the Ebon Hawk and it cuts to a cutscene about "The Last of the Handmaidens" not being with Atris and that she left with the exile then . . . nothing - it's just black. i can reload to before i entered the Ebon Hawk but same thing. if i save at the black screen, then i can't load that save.


Is there a fix?




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Maybe it was already posted somewhere. I got this bug yesterday too. It looks like you can avoid it if you complete all battles with Atris' handmaidens before freeing your teammates from their cells.

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The handmaidens not being there (conflicting appearance.2da) or Bao/Atton/Kreia being unresponsive (an error in the fighting) are 2 separate issues, so it could be the same, Alternatively, it could be the other.

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The handmaidens not being there (conflicting appearance.2da) or Bao/Atton/Kreia being unresponsive (an error in the fighting) are 2 separate issues, so it could be the same, Alternatively, it could be the other.


I'm sorry - I forgot to mention that i got the "black screen" bug when leaving Telos. That happens if teammates don't join party after battle with handmaidens

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