Guest Lockon Stratos


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Guest Lockon Stratos

Hello all.

I am new here to these forums so please don't send me hateful messages if I ask a 'common' question.

1. Is the HK Factory restored in the mod? I read the list that said what was and was not restored but I could not find where it said that the Factory was restored.

2. Does anyone know what happened to Team Gizka? I was a user at their forums but after a while, their site closed. I assume that they canceled their restoration?

To throw this out there, I wanted to say that Darth Stoney is somewhat famous. After I read that you and your team were planning to restore KotOR 2 to what it should have been, I shed tears of joy.

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Guest Lockon Stratos

Why wood it be a good thing that the Team disbanded? They put much time and effort into their own restoring that it seems as if it was a waste for Dashus to throw everything away.

It wood have been cool if Dashus [ team gizka ] had sent his Restoration Mod to Stoney or any other modder of this restoration so that this Team could compare and contrast TG's mod with their mod.

They could have used it as a 'rough draft' or maybe gutted it for anything of use rather than start a new mod from scratch.

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I suppose it's a good thing because it was a source of much confusion and misleading statements. Just consider how long it took Dashus to fess up that he wasn't really working on the mod any more... and then he still claimed that it would be finished. Me, I'm glad the situation is finally clear and people aren't being led on to believe something is going to happen.


I was a great fan of Gizka myself while it was the only thing on the scene for years. I am greatly appreciative that it kept the subject matter alive all these years and inspired this mod. But eventually TSLRCM did the job and Gizka didn't, and that's what matters now.


I don't think all their work was wasted, anyway. I'm not a member of either team, but from what I've read, while Zbyl and Stoney didn't take any content whatsoever from Gizka, they did benefit from the editing tools that were created in the process. Which perhaps helps explain why it took them so much less time to get the mod done compared to how long Gizka itself stalled...

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Aha, so that's it. Well I hope Dashus will one day come around and open up the Team Gizka code for everyone. I don't really think he knows how many people still appreciate what he did to get this started.

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Hello all.

1. Is the HK Factory restored in the mod? I read the list that said what was and was not restored but I could not find where it said that the Factory was restored.

I think you just missed it before, as it is in there. :P Among the Telos IV restorations.

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