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TSL and KotOR New Themes and New Duel Music almost finnished

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Hey everyone !!! u l'm doing one mod that l have been working on all month the mod is "Tsl and k1 new theme musics" and here is the deresdiption of my mod :


1.Malak's theme new style Emperor arrives theme as Malak's theme


2.Duel with Malak on the star forge new style Obi-wan vs Anakin theme as Duel in the star forge now it will feel like in battle of heroes


3.Bastila's theme new style Anakin's betrayal theme as Bastila's theme l added Anakin's betrayal theme becoz now on the unnoun world will bring some real great experience the Anakin's betrayal theme is the order 66 theme but too bad l wasn't able to make the theme sound only on the unnoun world.


1.sion's theme new style The Emperor arrives theme as Sion's theme well l added that theme becoz well when sion arrives it will be like in the movies when the Emperor arrives and it will give everyone more experience now


More info will be soon the mod is not done yet but one thing bugs me that l won't be able to upload to deadly stream or filefront becoz l don't known were l can ask perrmission for using these theme's argh!!!! l'm having a bad day today but one bug is with this mod that sometimes one theme is playing one at the time l wasn't able to found out how to fix this ugh :help: :help: :help: :help: !! please can someone tell me were l can ask perrmission for using the songs becoz l once tryed to ask some video uploader's were they got perrmision they did't respond all week becoz ugh!! there videos abaut some SWkotor gameplays were uploaded by TWO MONTHS OR TWO YEARS :eek: :eek: !!!!! please can someone tell me were l can ask permission tomorow l might finnish my mod and this will be only my first mod and l just started modding tsl and Kotor. :cry: :cry:

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This is a work in progress so this is in the wrong section. Moving it now.


If this mod intends to add John Williams music to KotOR, TSL or both, I'll just stop you right there. If you have no legal permission - in writing - to do so, we will not host it. I don't think Sony Classical would be very happy about helping someone distribute John Williams' music without his or their authorization.

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Sion with the Emperors music. I don't know. I think the current soundtrack is fantastic, and while the movie was good as well, it was designed for those characters, while the game's score was designed for these characters.


Furthermore, that piece of music is very out of place for Sion's first scene. It's a very creepy, scary and low scene. The music you wish to add is very big and loud and even a tad exciting. Now, I admit the bit from 1 minute in might suit more than the start, but I still disagree. Every main character has their own theme (or at least the main Sith and Jedi). Listen to Sion's theme in the soundtrack for K2, then compare to the Emperors arrival theme. Doesn't match. And of course, we'd be ruining the individuality presented by each individual character's theme music.


I understand why you want to do this; all of the films had a fantastic score. But, I think the music in these games matches the games, and it's the one thing that should be left untouched (unless adding a new planet).

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This is a work in progress so this is in the wrong section. Moving it now.


If this mod intends to add John Williams music to KotOR, TSL or both, I'll just stop you right there. If you have no legal permission - in writing - to do so, we will not host it. I don't think Sony Classical would be very happy about helping someone distribute John Williams' music without his or their authorization.


Well l see l just wont to known were l can get authorization but you are right you are very right!!!

Just that l'm doing this not just for making a mod but becoz l'm a fan of Star wars and also this is a fan mod that l'm doing but you are right l must get somehow perrmission but l wonder how the video uploaders get perrmission !!!! if l won't get perrmission then l see that l must cancel my work maiby but still l thought maiby this mod will be good but still l must try get perrmission if l'm gana make it.

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The video uploaders don't get permission, but that doesn't make it right for you. They're just lucky that Sony doesn't want to have to file hundreds of lawsuits against thousands of YouTube videos using their content.


This page and each tab has all the relevant information for using their music. You'll need to contact them with the email address to get the permission, but be warned, they will likely charge you money for the right.

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