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Forum script : From V3 to V4

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If there is a real big lack of security on the current version, it is best to go to the V4 straight.


But ...


Is there a risk with the current version? What risk? Hack? Spam?

What was the cause of the frequent cuts and, finally, the loss of the previous board?

Version 4 seems a quite new version and I'm always in favor of letting others wipe plasters and wait for the stabilization of the thing.



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I did not notice the "small local company".

Good luck with the script and the templates! I use phpBB for my boards.



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The vb 3 was quicker to style, you just change a couple of things and the whole forum was sorted, with vb 4 each part of the forum has a different style option, it's better in as much as you can customise each section how you want but it takes a lot longer to achieve, that and the names for the settings aren't that obvious, you have to decipher what they mean.

Edited by Doctor

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