
DS Points Music

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I've modded this before, but I forgot to back that up when I reinstalled Windows a little while ago. Anyway, I was trying to change the song that plays when you gain Dark Side points. I've tried to change this, but maybe I'm just being stupid and I can't find it... How would I go about using a different piece of music?


I'd think I just need the filename and type and put it in the Override folder, but I don't know...

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you would need the filename but it wouldnt go in override, it would go in streammusic to what ever folder it originally came from.


I tried all the ones that sound like that in StreamMusic. Hmm. Would it be somewhere in StreamSounds?

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Music file for Dark Side points is called 'mus_s_darkshort.wav', and should go to Override. Original can be found in Kotor_Tool (BIFs=>sounds.bif=>WAV Files).

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