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Well, I'm about a week into school now, and one of the awesome things I'm doing is.... an internship! I get to meet up at this little company and talk with the VP of Software Engineering (There are only 6 people total on the floor, so nothing too special).


But anyways, he had me and the other intern guy sign up for this Project management site Asana. It's pretty sweet.


Basically, the way it works is that you, the owner, start up a project, and then you can invite many more people to the project. You create a list of tasks to do and then assign them to the people in the project. If you're running a fairly secret project, you can also only allow people to view only the tasks they're given. You can start up multiple projects too even.


So what's the benefit of this? Well, too often in team projects do we run into kind of a... well, we'll call it a lazy slump, and then we forget what the hell we were even supposed to do.


Here's a quick, spoiler-free image if Asana in action.


Don't get your hopes up too much, Malachor VI is not being worked on currently. We are, however, using this time to organize our tasks so that when the time comes to work on it again, things will progress much faster.






To sign up, it's pretty easy. Just go to and sign up, and you get your own Workspace. Then you can invite other people to join your workspace or well you get the point.

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