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[Question/Help] Compatibility and a Quest bug

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1. I was looking at the compatibility list and it says it works with "TSL Visual Enhancement 2011 by Xarwarz". Can I assume it works with the 2012 version as well? Or does it strictly only work with VE 2011? *Also if it is compatible, if anyone else is using this mod can you tell me if the .tga textures need to be directly in the override folder or can they be in their own folders (the installer places them in \Override\TEL\ and \Override\Narr\ etc.)


2. I was doing the Thief Catching quest on Dantooine where you are allegedly supposed to meet some npc Kaevee who is triggered after you kill her 'pets' or something like that. I'm at this point however the room where she is supposed to come out of is locked, and I've killed everything in the enclave. Any suggestions?

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1. I was looking at the compatibility list and it says it works with "TSL Visual Enhancement 2011 by Xarwarz". Can I assume it works with the 2012 version as well? Or does it strictly only work with VE 2011? *Also if it is compatible, if anyone else is using this mod can you tell me if the .tga textures need to be directly in the override folder or can they be in their own folders (the installer places them in \Override\TEL\ and \Override\Narr\ etc.)


I don't think there are any area textures that were changed by TSLRCM, so there shouldn't be any problems there. As for placing the tga's in folders, yes, you can do this. However, you can only go one folder beyond the override. Such as, your directory can be: "[drive-letter]:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override\Ebon Hawk\", but you cannot have any folders within the one named "Ebon Hawk"(or whatever you chose to name your folders - in this case, it is best to name it the same as the textures associated with it, so it is easier to remove later, if necessary), as the game won't look there.


I'm not entirely sure why, but it does not work this way in K1. In K1 any textures(or any other sort of file the games uses), MUST be in the override folder, else the game will not use it.


2. I was doing the Thief Catching quest on Dantooine where you are allegedly supposed to meet some npc Kaevee who is triggered after you kill her 'pets' or something like that. I'm at this point however the room where she is supposed to come out of is locked, and I've killed everything in the enclave. Any suggestions?


You did install the game, then the 1.0b Official Patch, then TSLRCM 1.8, correct?


Anyway, she should appear if you go down the hallway behind the fountain(directly in line with the ramp, opposite the entry hall), and fight the creatures there. You should then see a few more coming from behind you, of the "Deadly" variety, Once you deal with them, she should confront you.

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