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Meeting Opo Chano in Nar Shaddaa after you have settled his debt. (Ithorian plot)

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Hi all,


I remember that a long time ago (maybe even back in 2009, nostalgia feelings coming up btw) I once met Opo Chano in Nar Shaddaa but his debt was settled(as part of the Ithorian plot to get B4D4's creditentials, so no harrasment from the exchange or anything like that. The exile would talk to him, and also mention you are not in debt again are you? However in later playthroughs I was never able to recreate this scene again. Was it a little bug in the beta (TSLRCM 1.4 without any of the four patches back then) or I am simply not going over the right triggers?


If somebody could tell if this is still included and what the triggers are, I would be very thankfull.


Also it could be that I am simply halluciating and that this scene never happened so that I am remembering incorrectly, anyway I thought why not ask.

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He's only on Nar Shaddaa if you told him to flee (so not resolve it on Telos itself). And obviously didn't murder him.

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Aha okay thanks, and I guess that those options are only open to a player on the Czerka quest line on Telos? Well thanks anyway, a big mystery that was bothering me for some times has been resolved :P

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