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Quick question

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I've been having lingering doubts on whether or not I've somehow botched my installation of 1.8. Now I found something I thought for sure to be fixed with 1.8, but isn't present at all.


It's Kreia's past sequence, on Malachor V. I know it was turned into an in-game cutscene (I read about it and saw the youtube videos) but upon reaching this in 1.8, I was still presented with the old video instead. Can anyone confirm for me whether or not this was included in 1.8?


BTW, the Ravager in-game cutscene early in the game worked fine, but I know it comes from an earlier patch. So something is working as intended, I'm just not sure what. Can anyone help? I need to know if I need to restart. :(

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Ok, and now Bao-dur tells me I look like I've been standing too close to one of his shield generator, while I'm completely +75% lightside.


I don't understand what could have gone wrong. 1st step, install the game. 2nd step, patch the game. 3rd step, install 1.8. There's not a whole lot to get wrong here! :hot:

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Standing too close to one of his shield generators is also Light side, it means that you are a little I dont know how to say it, lightly? A little drifted away look perhaps, anyway I also got this when I was light side.

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Standing too close to one of his shield generators is also Light side, it means that you are a little I dont know how to say it, lightly? A little drifted away look perhaps, anyway I also got this when I was light side.


Ah, you think so? Then I'm just going to continue on I guess.


This nagging little feeling that I did something wrong is ruining the experience though. :(

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Where are you now? If you are still on telos in the restoration zone, one new moment is right after you have passed the turrets and are close to the mercenary base (which is a new map area btw) a small convo will appear with Atton and Bao-Dur (dont know about Kreia i did not had her with me). Another thing to check is once you are in the military base (have once again Atton with you) escort the twilek who works for Czerka out of the building and Atton will make a remark about the Jedi code still being alive. This is something new in 1.8 since I never experienced it before. It is btw an influence moment.

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That's definitely not it. I read about it in the 1.8 development thread, only a couple of months ago.


Ah, yeah. My mistake. Then you are referring to another mod which was worked on by zbyl some time ago.


Anyway, still it was not included in TSLRCM because of some missing sound effects that cannot be re-created from the game files - they were probably included separately in the "post-production" by the foley artists.


I would not worry about them much either as the quality is superb even without those few sound effects but some people apparently do.

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Where are you now? If you are still on telos in the restoration zone, one new moment is right after you have passed the turrets and are close to the mercenary base (which is a new map area btw) a small convo will appear with Atton and Bao-Dur (dont know about Kreia i did not had her with me). Another thing to check is once you are in the military base (have once again Atton with you) escort the twilek who works for Czerka out of the building and Atton will make a remark about the Jedi code still being alive. This is something new in 1.8 since I never experienced it before. It is btw an influence moment.


I don't think I've noticed any of these. Either because they weren't in my party, or because the distance between me and the rest of the party members was too great. I saw the in-cockpit cutscenes during the shuttle crashes though, that ought to be a good sign.


Ah, yeah. My mistake. Then you are referring to another mod which was worked on by zbyl some time ago.


Anyway, still it was not included in TSLRCM because of some missing sound effects that cannot be re-created from the game files - they were probably included separately in the "post-production" by the foley artists.


I would not worry about them much either as the quality is superb even without those few sound effects but some people apparently do.

True. I feared it was a sign that something wasn't altogether right with my installation of 1.8. Now it doesn't seem to be the case, not entirely at least. There still seem to be some bugs here and there. So far.. nothing game breaking, but enough to unsettle me.

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