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Hotfixes / Updates to 1.8

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I'm in a rather unique, severely limited internet situation right now (no, I'm not in prison.. yet.. :cold:)


I know 1.8 is essentially your 'final' patch, but it seems from a few glances at the forums that there are still some bugs left to fix. How will those fixes be made available? Will there be separate, small hotfixes to update 1.8 we can download, or will there only be a full 1.8.1?


Short explanation: I moved house and my landlord and I share the same wireless hub. The connection is in-cre-di-bly bad, so I would like to avoid downloading 1.8 twice if I can help it. Small updates are okay though. I just don't want to miss out on any critical fixes.

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No reply topic is useless. Please delete, I'm thinking of downloading any future patches at the local library instead.

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Not sure they know yet. But my guess is they'll just do a patch as opposed to re-releasing the whole thing. 1.8 is now already out there, and any patch would be for small bugs, not game breaking. Plus I think that's what they did for 1.7.

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To be honest, we didn't yet talk about how we'd release updates if there'll be any. But any fixes will probably be available as really small downloads, yeah.

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