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Help with a KotOR model file

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I have a model file (attached here) for a KotOR head that has some issues which were described to me as something that's likely to do with smoothing groups produced by MDLedit. A procedure to fix them was presented to me but it requires 3D Max, which I don't have, and when I tried to see if something could be done with Blender, I downloaded the software and KotORBlender for the first time and immediately regretted it as it seems the latest main version isn't even compatible with the latest version of KotORBlender, if I understood correctly.

The problem is self evident when looking around the mouth area and, less egregiously, around the eyes. The following pictures should clarify:


Star Wars_ Knights of the Old Republic 17_12_2024 14_20_18.png

Apparently, this can be fixed in 3ds Max by selecting the inside of the mouth/eyes and giving them a different group than the outside. Could someone help me out by fixing my model?





comm_h_m.mdx comm_h_m.mdl

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Well, after some research and a talk with N-DReW-25, I could recreate the model and remove the issue. As a bit of background history, the model was originally included in SpaceAlex K1 Enhancement Pack modification. N-DReW-25 told me the texture applied to it uses K1's original head model for Mekel. After a simple converstion and test, I'm glad to report that a fixed model was produced. I attach it here, just in the unlikely case someone may have a use for it.


comm_h_m.mdl comm_h_m.mdx

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