Timbo 23 Posted May 11, 2024 K1GR started out as an attempt to modernize KotOR 1's classes to Kotor 2's standards and then it started growing into an overall update filled with quality of life upgrades, weapon rebalancing, and some other ideas to address some of the major issues in that gunk up the flow of gameplay. Namely, level saving. As I'm sure all of you are aware, the amount of powers you get is directly tied to the amount of Jedi levels you have. Players like myself, endlessly debate on what the right balance of class levels is. For a lot of people, it makes sense to hold back leveling up for the first half of the game. This mod addresses that by limiting the player to the Sentinel class after becoming a Jedi. In a perfect world, I would add player only versions of all three Jedi classes but due to the hard-coded limitations in the game's design, there's not space on the feat table for all three. The Sentinel was chosen for the main character because after updating the classes to KotOR 2's class progression, it stood out as both strong and versatile. Here's how it works: the Sentinel had all of its powers compressed into the first 12 levels of its class. After level 12 it gets no powers or feats of any kind. All of the other classes pretty much level up normally. This mod rewards you for leveling up your main character as you go. Another major change is that weapons groups have been totally rebalanced. Melee Double Weapons now do less damage than their one handed counterparts and have had their Critical Threats increased to compensate. Ranged weapons now have significantly increased damage overall and should be comparative, they might fall a little behind melee as you start to get better equipment mid to late game but when you calculate the investment it takes to get melee competitive and all of the other perks of ranged weapons, it might actually be overkill. So much so that I'm concerned about difficulty on Taris. Global Changes The bonus skill points gained at level up formula (Class Base + INT/2) now rounds up. You now gain +1 skill point at 12 INT, +2 at 16 INT, and +3 at 20 INT. It's still not as generous as K2 but since skills aren't terribly useful in K1, I think it works pretty well. All Companion Characters now join at Level 1. This change was made to allow the player greater flexibility when choosing how to build their companion characters. Selectable Level 1 feats are now gained at level 2. This change was made to allow the player greater flexibility when choosing how to build their companion characters. Heavy Weapons no longer exist as a category and Repeating Blasters have been merged with Rifles. All of the relevant feats have been adjusted accordingly like in KotOR 2. Impossible Difficulty has been restored to the difficulty settings; just incase all of the power-creep makes the game too easy. Main Character Changes Persuade is always a class skill for the main character. The main character gets all six basic active combat feats (Power Attack/Power Blast, Flurry/Rapid Shot, and Critical Strike/Sniper Shot) between level 1 and 2. This is as close as I could get to how it was done in KotOR 2. The main character is limited to the Jedi Sentinel Class up cross-class. The main character can choose to take the Force Focus feats, Force Jump, and Lightsaber Specialization Feats as they level up. This change was made to accommodate the inability to choose between Jedi classes. The main character now gains 2 powers from levels 1-9, 1 power from levels 10-12, and 0 powers per level from levels 13-20. This change was made to encourage normal leveling. The main character gains 6 force points per level as a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel. This change was made to smooth out force power gains regardless of what level they cross-classed at. Class Changes All Classes now get Full Base Attack Bonus. Equalized Attack bonus just feels good. Star Wars did it back in Saga, D&D started doing it back in 4E, and KotOR did it in TSL. Soldiers, Scouts, and Scoundrels are now granted their active combat feats (Power Attack/Power Blast, Flurry/Rapid Shot, and Critical Strike/Sniper Shot) at Level 2. This was made to allow the secondary characters to skip getting the other classes primary feats at level 1, like the main character. Scoundrels get Sneak Attack X at level 19 like in KotOR 2. Expert Droid now gets access to Master Two-Weapon Fighting and the ranged active combat feat lines (Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot). Soldiers gain 2 selectable feats at level 2 and 1 additional selectable feat at levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, and 20. Scouts gain 2 selectable feats at level 2 and 1 additional selectable feat at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 Scoundrels gain 2 selectable feats at level 2 and 1 additional selectable feat at levels 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20. Jedi Guardians gain 2 selectable feats at level 2 and 1 additional selectable feat at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 Jedi Sentinels gain 1 seletable feat at levels 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, and 18. Jedi Consulars gain 1 selectable feat at levels 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. Expert Droids gain 1 selectable feat at levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, and 19. Combat Droids gain 1 selectable feat at levels 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 Jedi Guardians gain Demolitions as a class skill, like in KotOR 2. Jedi Sentinels gain Computer Use, Demolitions, Repair, Security, and Stealth as class skills, like in KotOR 2. Jedi Consulars gain Repair as a class kill, like in KotOR 1. Jedi Sentinel gains 3 skill points per level like in KotOR 2. Jedi Consulars gain 2 skill points per level like in KotOR 2. Party Changes Bastila gains 4 ranks of computers due to Jedi Sentinels increase of skills. She loses Force Aura, Stun, and all selectable feats do to level decrease. Canderous loses 1 point of Strength, 2 rank of Demolition, 2 ranks of Treat Injury, and all selectable feats do to level decrease. Carth loses 1 point of Dexterity, 1 rank of Awareness, and 1 rank of Repair due to level decrease. HK-47 loses 1 point of Strength, 1 rank of Demolitions, 1 rank of Awareness, 2 ranks of Repair and all selectable feats due to level decrease except for Weapon Focus: Rifles as a bonus due to the limitations of feat table merging and wanting to give him a small buff. Jolee gains 4 ranks of Repair due to Jedi Guardians increase of skills. He loses 1 point of Dexterity, 1 ranks of Awareness, Cure, Force Aura, Force Valor, Force Push, Throw Lightsaber, and all selectable feats due to level decrease. He also adds a suit of basic clothing to your inventory when he joins. Juhani loses 1 point of Dexterity, 1 rank of Stealth, 4 ranks of Awareness, and 4 ranks of Treat Injury, Force Aura, Force Push, Energy Resistance, Stun, Throw Lightsaber and all selectable feats due to level decrease. She adds a suit of basic clothing and a red lightsaber crystal to your inventory when she joins and she retains the 4 of her bonus Stealth skill points that could not be accounted for during level decrease. T3-M4 loses 2 ranks of Computer Use, 1 ranks of Awareness, 2 ranks of Repair, and 2 ranks of Security, and all selectable feats due to level decrease. He gains a normally 1 rank of Demolitions due to the game forcibly shorting him a large number of skill points due to his high intelligence and nowhere to put them due to the game not saving unspent skill points on level 1 npc. Not to worry, with the changes to skill points due to high intelligence, T3 now gains enough skill points to max out all of his skills at level 20. Zaalbar loses 1 point of Strength, 2 ranks of Demolitions, 6 ranks of Awareness, 1 rank of Treat Injury, and all selectable feats due to level decrease. Bastila has been changed from Jedi Sentinel to Consular. This change was due to limitations in feat.2da that I have figured out an acceptable workaround for. Weapon Changes Stun Batons are now 1d4, 19-20 x2. Short Swords are now 1d8, 19-20 x2. Longswords are now 1d12, 19-20 x2. Gamorrean Axes are now 1d12, 19-20 x2. Quarterstaffs are now 1d8, 19-20 x2. Gaffi Sticks are now 1d8, 19-20 x2 Double-Bladed Swords are now 1d10, 19-20 x2. Vibro Double-Blades are now 1d12, 19-20 x2. Wookie Warblades are now 1d12, 19-20 x2. Lightsabers are now 2d10, 19-20, x2. Short Lightsabers are now 2d8, 19-20 x2. Double Lightsabers are now 2d8, 19-20 x2. Blaster Pistols are now 2d8 damage, 19-20, x2. Heavy Blasters are now 2d10 damage, 19-20 x2. Holdout Blasters are now 2d6 damage, 19-20 x2. Disruptors Pistols are now 2d6 damage, 18-20 x2, Universal Damage. Ion Blasters are now 2d6 damage, x3. Sonic Pistols are now 2d8, x2. Blaster Carbines are now 3d8, 19-20 x2. Blaster Rifles are now 3d8, 19-20 x2. Bowcasters are now 3d10, 19-20 x2. Disruptor Rifles are now 3d6, 18-20, x2, Universal Damage Ion Rifles are now 3d6, x3. Sonic Rifles are now 3d8, x2. Repeating Blasters are now 4d6, x2 Heavy Repeating Blasters are now 5d6, x2. Project Status: 95% Complete as of 5/15/2024 (Kinda) The initial mod is completely finished. It still needs to packaged up and released. The mod still remains untested but I'm going to due that after initial release. Future Updates: An actual release in the proper forum, probably tomorrow. Bug fixes. Individual weapon rebalancing, looking at you Yavin Station gear. Loot and vendor redistribution. Probably more bug fixes. 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