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Darth Revan "Reveal" Mask model

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Hello! This is my first time on these forums, I am a sculptor and I wanting to make a sculpt of Revan's Mask from KOTOR 1. I'm trying to find files for the Darth Revan's mask particularly the model that Revan takes off in the face reveal scene. I've looked all over the internet and looked to see if anyone has ripped this model out of the game, but with no success. 


As I'm not a moder, extracting these files from the game is beyond my capabilities. Has anyone ever extracted this model and its textures before for me to view?  I just need this model and its texture for a point of reference.



Edited by The_Exile

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The stunt mask models are v_revmask1_dur/v_revmask2_dur, but basically they are just the mask chopped out of the full Revan model. It has been a while since I looked at the DLG for the cutscene, but possibly one is for the female stunt Revan body and the other for the male body, since one mask is rounder and the other narrower/taller.

Revan_Stunt_Mask.PNG.cd4ec787c0331806d98f1208c7db3223.PNG     Revan_Stunt_Mask_2.PNG.e14b76d75615bc0de6663618547bb1a8.PNG

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Thats cool, thanks for the the help! 

is there anyway I can get those files from you so I can view it in blender?

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