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Editing TSL models in Blender

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If I edit the base geometry of imported K2 models in Blender (moving vertices or resizing objects), I can export them and see the changes in-game fine.

But, if I add new geometry to the model, it does not show up in-game at all. How do I fix this?

The floating box in the attached pic is invisible when I load it in-game.


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Thanks for the quick reply.

The new geometry was being added to an existing part of the mesh so it was already numbered and checked.

I played around a bit with some options and found a solution; I selected the new vertices and assigned them to the 'rthigh_g' vertex group. It's now showing up in-game.




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Yep, I hid all the bone objects from view before I started editing the mesh since they got in the way.

The geometry I created was added onto the mesh titled 'flap' since that area was where I was planning on adding new detail. It seems I just needed to assign it to the bone for it to become visible.

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