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Crimson Knight

MOD:Minor music tweaks

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Minor music tweaks

This mod makes some minor changes to the music used at various points in the game. On Tatooine, the "Czerka theme" (previously used only for their office in Anchorhead) has been applied to all modules in Anchorhead save the cantina. For Korriban, the unused combat music has been restored in all modules barring the tombs. The music within the four tombs in the Valley of the Dark Lords has been left alone. Finally, the Manaan Sith base has had its music swapped from the Valley of the Dark Lords music on Korriban to the same music used in the Taris Sith base.

To install, run INSTALL.exe* and let the patcher do the work. Easy peasy, right?

*It's actually called TSLPatcher.exe this time. Whoops.


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