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Modding Help

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I recently installed two mods, one adds Kira Carsen (From SWTOR) as a playable appearance option, and another mod (Seikan Armors) adds a few armor sets into the game. The armors work on all other characters besides my character, and my guess is because it's a new appearance, and thus it could not be overridden when installed. I was wondering if there is anyway to work around this, like changing just the head or body of a character model. E.g. Replacing one of the pre-existing option's head with Kira's.

Edited by TheDeMouralizer

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I took a look at the Kira Carsen mod. It adds an entire row for the head. Which explains why the armor mod ignores it. Renaming the Kira head to override one of the player character heads may be the easiest way of doing this. Otherwise you could edit the appearance.2da file and change the column values in the new kira row, to match the changes the Seikan Armors do.

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